Or Grayson vs. Cole

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It was very enjoyable yes. I loved handling the animal poop"

"One time a guy mistaked me for a girl and that was Not cool ya'll!"

"Reading about history really makes me bored.. It's like I really dont wanna learn."

"You know your only gonna be kids once and then your going to be adults for the rest of your life, so you might as well be kids while your a kid"

"Give me a hoorah! hoorah!"

"We were still drooling"

"We started when we were babies.. Yeahhhh"

"It was like twin energy memory psychic type thing, except with 4 people"

"I was extremly nervous, I was shaking on the car ride over" (about meeting the Olsens)

"My Pants are falling down !!" (Martin Short Show)

"Don't forget to bring your undies!"

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