Life and Death

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Catherine had had Greer's ladies, and her own, working overtime trying to figure out who their spy was. They'd stuck their noses into everyone's business that they could, from servants to guards to noblemen alike. She felt as though she was getting close to something, but she wasn't sure what. She kept getting very solid bits of information...solid...but small. They weren't enough to piece this mess together. There almost seemed to be a larger presence as of late. Greer's ladies had surely been doing their jobs well, but it wasn't enough. She needed a new plan. So she there she found herself, pacing, nearly wearing holes in the floor. She'd been there like that almost all day when Greer came knocking.

"Enter." she said. Greer creaked open the door. She already had a feeling she knew why she was called there.

"You've called on me to discontinue the mission you've set my ladies to haven't you?" she asked.

"I'm terribly sorry, I know you need the money, but it's just not getting me anywhere." she said.

"It's just as well. It couldn't very well last forever now, could it.?" Greer stated.

"I'll continue to pay them for the rest of the month, but then I'm afraid this well has run dry." she told her.

"That's very generous of you." she said as the door opened again.

"Word from Scotland Majesty." said a guard as he entered and handed her a letter, then left.

"Oh, good. You can stay and find out what Mary has to tell us." she said as she broke the seal and unfolded it and read it silently.

Dearest Catherine,

Your last letter came to me at a time when I needed it most. Your words gave me the drive to make an important decision in not giving into the demands of a man looking to threaten me. I hope I have made the right choice for Scotland, but more importantly, I hope no one else ends up paying for it if it was the wrong one. Thank you for giving me the courage I needed. As you always have.

All my love,


"It seems our Mary has received some threats as of late. She's decided not to give into them. She's worried that she may have made the wrong choice." she shook her head and pointed a finger at Greer. "Not giving in is never the wrong choice. Always fight for what you believe in no matter what...that's what I'll tell her." Greer half smiled at her. Worried for Mary, but glad that even now, Catherine was still trying to be on Mary's side. If someone had told her a year ago that she'd be sitting here, almost glad to be in the company of the Queen Regent, she would have told them they were mad. But here she was. She nodded.

"I'll let you get to your letter writing then. Wouldn't want to keep Mary waiting." she said as she stood. Just then, a sharp pain struck her.

"Are you alright?" Catherine asked. Greer's hand went to her stomach.

"I...I'm not su...oh" another pain went through her. Catherine's looked at her a moment.

"I do believe your in labor my dear. Sit back down and I'll call the court physician." she said.

"No. No. I don't want the whole court knowing, I've kept it a secret this long." she said.

"Very well I'll get you to the south keep where you're less likely to be heard. There's a midwife in town, not too far, she's helped with births in the castle before, I know her well enough to say you can trust her with your secret." she said holding out her hand to help her. She took her to a room and called for Leith to run to town and bring back the midwife. Catherine went back to her room to continue to work on a new plan. After a time, Leith came back to her chambers.

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