I like to cum

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Cousin POV
So I saw my cousin today,
She looked hot.
I just loved how the sunlight made the two teeth she had left sparkle.
I loved when she bent over to milk our cow Betty and her two juicy sun-dried melons went into the air.
I hope one day she rubs my gutter like that.
Or how she runs her thick stubby fingers through her knotted unbrushed hair, it's takes her hours just to get her fingers through!
It makes me think of how long it would take her to get through the the forest I have in the lower region.

My cousin didn't mind when I told her I had genital herpes, I think she actually got turned on.
She insisted that we did it right then and there, and I must say... best 3.5 seconds of my life.

I grope my vag while thinking about my cousinWhere stories live. Discover now