The Double Life *26*

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Chey started cleaning up her mess of tools, she had lying around on the ground. Stuck in her own mind, not noticing how Niall kept looking at her. She knew she had a crush on the guitarist, but didn't wanna ruin the small thing she had going between the two of them. 

"Would you like me to help you?" Niall spoke up after a few minutes of watching her. 

"I'm not gonna make you help, that's up to you honestly." she spoke, taking the tools she had in her hands back into the garage, frowning to herself. Niall, took it upon himself to help her clean up everything, it'd only be the right thing to do since he had helped her. Gathering up what he could, he followed her into the garage, still debating on whether or not to tell her what was on his mind. He decided against tell her anything, as much as he loved her, he didn't want anything else on her plate as he placed the tools back in their spots.

"I'll get the rest, you might wanna go start getting packed.." She murmured just low enough for him to hear, as she passed him. Her heart ached when she told him that, she didn't want him to leave, but what choice did she have? She was only letting them stay till their bus was fixed. Niall frowned, clenching his fists at his sides, he didn't wanna leave he wanted to stay here with her. Turning on his heel, he left the garage heading towards his room, sending a text to the boys. 


The girls stood outside the bus, the boys putting their things back on that was taken off during the stay. Both groups knew things wouldn't be the same after this, and they only had one person to blame. All because he had to be the overprotective Uncle when it wasn't his place.

"Keep in touch alright?" Tori murmured to Zayn an the rest of the boys, mostly to Zayn. Lily stood behind the rest of the girls, not wanting to say goodbye to Liam. 

"We will. I'll promise you that." Liam said, smiling a little sadly at Lily, knowing the two of them had grown closer over the weeks, to the point of her opening up an being more herself towards him. Chey stuffed her hands in her pockets, an emotionless expression on her face to hide her emotions,

"If anything else happens, call me. I'll come get you guys, only if anything happens to the bus." Turning on her heel, she headed back into the house, not really knowing how to say goodbye without showing any emotion. Niall bit his lip, wanting nothing more than to grab her arm an stop her, fighting the urges to do so. The girls frowned at their companion, 

"Niall, don't worry about her, she's not good with goodbyes." Allie told him, placing a hand on his shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. Niall didn't know how to react, didn't even know what to do at this point. His whole world just shattered around him, 

"I'll be on the bus.." He murmured, before boarding the bus, passing Paul on his way. Paul couldn't help but frown, knowing if he even tried to apologize now, he wouldn't get very far. Everyone could only frown, they wouldn't be able to do anything. Tom sighed, 

"Come on boys, think it's time to hit the road. Get back to our lives." He hated to say it, but it had to be said. They lived in two different worlds, and the worlds didn't mix very well. The girls said goodbye to the boys, each giving the one they've grown closer to a tight hug. 

"An here you were just becoming tolerable." Harry joked lightly into Cher's ear, causing her to chuckle lightly,

"The same for you Styles." was all she commented back, stepping back out of the hug. All the girls held in real emotions, wanting to blurt out to them to just stay, but it wasn't their decision. 

"Have fun alright? Don't get in too much trouble." Tori chuckled, giving them a small wave as they got on the bus, and away from them, probably for the last time. The chances of them even meeting again, was pretty slim. Tom honked the horn as he drove them out of the driveway and back towards their destination, three days away. 

"Well.. they're gone. Probably for good." Allie frowned, sighing as she headed back into the house, into a sight she never thought she would see again. The girls looked at each other before back at the blonde, whose knuckles where bleeding lightly. A couple holes here and there in the living room. Cher grabbed her hand before she was able to punch the wall again, Lily getting the first aid kit. 

"Let's get you cleaned up alright?" Tori started cleaning her wounds, Chey not even wincing as she looked away. The girls frowned at her, knowing her emotions that were bottled up, blew up. 


A month had passed after the two groups had been split up, and neither group was doing so well. The boys usually stuck to staying inside their hotel room, not motivation to do anything anymore without their girls. The girls on the other hand, had taken shifts making sure Chey wouldn't get herself killed with the way she's been going. 

"Enough! Leave me alone." Chey suddenly yelled from the living room. "I can't take the constant being watched over! I'm not a damn child, I can take care of myself. I love you guys, but I'm not stopping you from leaving to be with them. I'm not doing this anymore... I... I can't." Her vision blurred as she ran into the garage and away from them, leaving them in shock. The sudden sound of a crotch rocket brought them out of their shock as they took off after her, knowing very well she wasn't in the right state of mind. 

"Did we go to far..?" Cher mumbled, watching as Chey drove off too fast for their liking. 

"We might have.." Bandit whined, wanting to go after her, but knew it was a lost cause. 


Night had fallen an there still was no sign of their beloved blonde leader, Allie paced around the living room. Worry flooding through her veins as something didn't feel right, her gut didn't feel right either. 

"Something's wrong.. I can feel it." She mumbled, Tori and Lily had already gone to bed, leaving her and Cher alone in the living room. Cher frowned at her words, knowing Allie's gut instincts where never wrong. Not even a few seconds later, Cher's phone had starting going off.  Confused, at who would be calling at this hour, she answered her phone, only to drop it almost instantly,

"This is Officer Ripple, we would like to inform you that Cheyenne was involved in a head on crash."  

The Double Life (One Direction, Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now