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It was Christmas morning and everything was perfect for Sandra St. Jones. Her brothers were nice, the first present she opened contained the very thing she had asked for, and she was able to sleep in without interruption. Instead of waking her up, her brothers had made her an omelet, one of her favorite foods.

As she reached for another present, it caught on the tree lights and toppled the seven footer. It smacked into the ground with a crash and the bulbs broke and sparks flew. The curtain ignited and flames quickly consumed it, catching the walls on fire and traveling around the house.

When the tree had fallen, it had knocked a nearby candle over, and fire spread across the flammable carpet. Sandra screamed, and her brothers started running towards the door, the only part that wasn't touched by fire. Seth, the oldest, grabbed Sandra's arm and pulled her along with him as her parents ran for the extinguisher mounted on the wall in the laundry room. Her brother screamed from trying to open the door, the handle glistening with the heat. The family was trapped, inside the burning house with no way out. Even the windows were burning and the family was standing in the only place fire was non existent.

They thought they could hear a siren in the distance, but it could have been a trick of the mind. Sandra passed out from heat, as did the rest of her family. They were sure to die; it was on their agenda, and would be the last event they'd ever have.

Sandra lifted her head, on the verge of passing out again when she saw a dark figure calmly walking through the flames, as if he had created them. He had black wings sticking out of his back, and a black trench coat with the sleeves ripped off. His hair was also black, long enough to almost cover his ears, but curled out as if he had a baseball hat on.

He was smirking, and towering over her, as he was at least six foot.

"Hello, little birdie. Come to die? Mother forgot to carve the turkey for Thanksgiving, I'm sure she'll do it now. The name's Sefrin, and I am here for your soul."

"Who...Who are you?" She asked. Something softened in his demeanor, his face changed, and he no longer looked like he was going to rip out her heart to take to the devil.

"Get up..." He whispered.

Sandra tried, but was overwhelmed by the smoke getting in her lungs, and had a coughing fit. After some time, she was able to stand. The stranger approached her, picking her up and flying through the ceiling, which she hadn't noticed was falling apart.

A crowd had gathered outside, and he seemed invisible to them. His wings were extended, the black catching the light from the moon and making them appear larger, more comforting, than she thought was possible. The stranger took her to a hospital a few blocks away, telling them what happened while hidding his wings.

Immediately, she was taken to a room and hooked up to oxygen to clear the smoke from her lungs. Sometime later, around three a.m., she fell asleep, her breathing no longer labored. The stranger stayed with her, confused to why he couldn't - wouldn't - hurt her. No one was able to see his wings, because he had hidden them.

If his master found out he couldn't finish the job, couldn't steal all the souls he was assigned to... He would be destroyed. Or at least sentenced.

His friends had been sentenced, and now they had no emotion. They would kill with a moments hesitation, all for the devil. But his friends stole extra souls, he could say one of his friends got to the girl first, and could mask her so the demon couldn't find her. She started moving, obviously awake.

"Why did you save me?" She asked. He had expected her to ask, he just didn't have an answer.

"I... Dunno. What makes you special enough that I couldn't hurt you? I came there to kill you... You and your family. But for some reason, I couldn't take you. Couldn't kill you. Do you have an answer? Cuz I don't." Her eyes grew wide with surprise. Then, before she could answer him, he disappeared.

In the underworld, he tried taking his mind off the girl by fighting. But not a person, or a demon, or even the devil. No, instead he used a wall. A solid, stone wall lining a corridor to the rooms. They were barely even used, as demons don't need sleep. So he punched it, slammed himself against the wall, and did what ever he could to stop thinking about her.

"It's only a matter of time before the wall starts punching back." Damon, his best friend, who had yet to be sentenced, said. He panted.

"Well then I'll be in a lot of trouble. Especially since its stone."

Damon laughed, a harsh sound, but fitting, considering where they were. "You've always had a strange sense of humor, Sefrin. You've always managed to crack a joke even in awful situations." Damon said.

"Until now." Sefrin muttered with a hint of anger.

"Uh-oh, what happened on the assignment?"
Sefrin turned to him. "If I told you, HE would kill you. But...... You're already dead so I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I, uh... I was about to steal the girl's soul, but then, she looked at me. Suddenly, nothing mattered more than getting her out alive. I probably sound crazy. But that's what happened... I just couldn't hurt her. I couldn't cause her any pain, no matter how small..." Damon stared at him, confused.

"We can't save people, though. It's impossible!." Damon proclaimed loudly.

"Shut up! I don't know about you, but I don't want to be killed again." 

Damon looked ashamed. "Sorry, man. I didn't really think about that. I don't want to die again either, its just strange that you had to save her. That you had no choice in the matter. It's just... Strange." Damon shook his head slowly.

"Yeah. I've never felt anything like it. I can't believe she was able to see me... No one ever has before! What is it about her that makes me save her? She made me feel concern, which I've never felt before! At least here, I have never felt it. So... So impossible, and yet..."

Sefrin trailed off, his voice little more than a whisper. Damon left, walking down the corridor with a silent heart. Sefrin, who was confused about the girl, also left, to visit her.

I actually wrote this story a while ago, and just recently remembered it. So, for any future readers, here is a new story.
By the way, it may get a little confusing later on and has some stuff that people really seem to like, and an example would be love at first sight. Well, anyways... You shall find out soon.

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