Jamilton Smut ((gay))

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smut up ahead if you don't like it then don't read it mkay. don't comment like, "omg wtf" or like "ew this is weird" fREN I KNOW THIS IS WEIRD IM UNCOMFORTABLE so enjoy your poorly written smut, also I dunno how gay sex works becaUSE IM A CHILD OF JESUS its prolly inaccurate

also this doesn't get to actual xxx stuff so sry

This might be a better fit to qualify as fluff but you get what you get and you don't get upset gosh diddily darnit THIS IS SHITTY AND I KNOW THE MOODS CHANGE TOO QUICKLY AND THAT IT DOESNT CORRELATE BUT IM 13 DAMNIT

lovez ya,



"The constitution forbids everything unless stated otherwise, Mr. Hamilton." Thomas Jefferson looked down at the secretary of treasury, who stood at a mere 5'9 compared to Jeffersons impressive height of 6'2.

"With all due respect sir, not that I have much left for you, the constitution permits everything that it does not expressly forbid." Hamilton replied arrogantly. The two were arguing in their workplace, which was quite unprofessional and unlike both of them.

Both men had a brewing rivalry that caused their passive aggressive remarks to boil into yelling matches frequently. They eyed one another with nothing but disgust and distaste. "I don't understand how they let such an incompetent and argumentative bastard become secretary of treasury." Thomas responded sharply.

Jefferson made sure to look down at Hamilton condescendingly to help assure dominance. Hamilton took note of this and fixed his posture to make himself look taller. But alas, he was still a shrimp compared to Jefferson.

"Perhaps I'm more competent than you think," Hamilton smiled menacingly. "Perhaps you can't accept the fact I might be more competent than you." He shrugged his shoulders, leaning against his wooden desk that has his name embellished on a metal name plate.

Alexander Hamilton is what it read in tiny black font. Jefferson let out a heavy sigh and glared at the tiny male smugly looking back at him.

"We both know that isn't true, Alexander."

"We both know it is, Thomas."

Jefferson knew Hamilton was just trying to push his buttons but it was working. Thomas' calloused hands balled up into a fist and he scanned the work space, from the books that lined the walls around them to the detailed carpet they stood on.

He also took this time to notice the fact that it was only the two of them residing in the office. Authors note- can you say plot convenience? Jefferson took that into account and decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to mess with Alexander.

"I don't think that's possible." He found his eyes scanning the shorter man, taking in his petite frame and fit body. "I think you're jealous because I was chosen to be secretary of state and you weren't."

It was that comment that wiped the smirk right off Alexanders face, "Oh please. I am more than content watching you fuck up the presidents policies." The conversation escalated and at this rate they'd have one another dead by early morning.

"But back to the conversation at hand, the constitution," The older gentleman started. He waved his hand around while he talked as if he was conducting an orchestra. "If I wanted to listen to someone bitch about something I'm knowledgeable about then I'd talk to your wife about sex."

It was in this moment, Hamilton knew, he fucked up. Jefferson forcefully pushed him up against the wall that had coloured books decorating it. The impact stung his back but he was more focused on the angry man hovering in front of his face.

"You take that back you son of a bitch!" Thomas screamed, no one was there to hear it though. The office was as empty as the thirteen year old girl who wrote this is. Alexander was the unfortunate recipient of his torment, "She's lost so many babies we should call her Miss Carriage." Alexander remarked glaring at the man who dared to call himself an acquaintance of the bashful and intelligent Mr. Hamilton.

Whilst being pressed up against the wall the younger man seemed to have grown a hard on. Hamilton sunk his teeth down onto his bottom lip to prevent moans from escaping his mouth caused by the friction of the rubbing fabric.

Thomas' screams faded away like white noise as Hamilton tried harder to cover up his growing erection, "Not so tough now, are you big guy?" Jefferson taunted. The rough grip that Jefferson had on Alexanders wrists were securely held on ether of his sides.

"You have no idea..." He whispered. Known for his witty remarks and sharp humor, even if he is erect while his colleague taunts him he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to make one of his classic snide remarks.

This is one however, lacked the certain audacious undertones it typically held. It had been replaced by fear and arousal mixed with submission.

"What?" Jefferson paused briefly from his taunting to evaluate Alexander. He was expecting a very different response then the one given. It only took Jefferson a moment or two to realize the fabric on Hamiltons pants had become surprisingly tighter and instead exchanged for a bigger bulge.

"Ha!" Thomas exclaimed, "First the letters to Laurens and now this? You do realize sodomy is a punishable offense, correct?" He now had the reins on the younger man, seeing as it was such a crucial time in the American revolution being crucified by the public for gayness was not something Alexander needed, it could ruin his political career.

"No- you see, well, um..." He trailed off, their was no way even he could talk himself out of the situation he was in. "Relax, I won't punish you for it. Unless you want me to." Jefferson smiled so innocently Alexander had to go through those words in his head again to make sure he didn't fuck up the interpretation.

"What?" Hamilton managed to squeak out, he was at such a loss for words. This whole situation seemed to have take a turn in a matter of minutes. Jefferson took it upon himself to further press himself onto Alexander earning a moan from each.

He smashed his lips onto the younger male, his eyes now filled with lust and desire. You would imagine that Jefferson would loosen his grips on the man standing so helplessly in front of them but they only tightened.

Their lips smashing against each other, friction and lust filled the room. "Jefferson! Hamilton!" A voice in the distance called.

"Shit." They both muttered, "Don't worry later we can finish." Jefferson smirked and headed off to see whomever was beckoning them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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