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Picture of Riley Monroe

Emily's POV

"Emily?" Chris said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and my back to him. "Chris?" I said as I felt his warm lips on my neck. I started to smile and he looked at me as he started to smile. "I like your smile". I said as he said the same thing too.

I then fell off my bed and I hit my head on the bed. "Emily are you okay?" I rolled away from my bed and I looked up to see Chris in my room. "It's three in the morning and I'm okay". I said as he helped me up and we laid on my bed. "The more you hide your feelings for someone. The more you fall for them". I said as he turned to me. "I like you a lot Chris". I said as he smiled. "I like you too babydoll". I laid in his arms and I kissed him. "I've been waiting for you to say that you like me". I moved my hair back as he kissed my shoulder up my neck and my cheek. "Promise me this". I sat up as he faced me. "What is it?" I hold my legs and I placed my hand on my legs. "Promise me you'll protect me from people that I don't know and you know them, but don't be an control freak". I said as he lift my head up and he looked me in the eyes. "The day you saved me... I wanted to save you and I'll always save you from anything. Your mine now". He placed a warm kissed on my forehead. He pulled me back onto the bed and he pulled the covers over us. "Get some sleep babydoll". I cuddle up next to him as hand was under my neck. "I don't want to though". I said as he gave me a look and he pulled my hip to him. "We have to review our notes since we have an few test tomorrow". I covered my face. "Okay". I kissed his cheek. I woke up as I was still in Chris's arms and I rubbed his hair. "Morning baby". I said as he pulled me down and he got on top of me. "Morning babydoll". Chris's morning voice was beautiful. I pushed myself up as he fell off the bed. My phone buzzed as it was and message from Lacey.

Lacey: We are having Autumn prom!!!!

I turned around to Chris as I sat on his lap. "Will you be my date to autumn prom?" I asked as he nodded and I kissed him. "Of course babydoll". Then his phone buzzed. "Whose that?" I asked as he threw his phone away. "Babydoll, I'm sorry... But I gotta go". We walked to my bathroom as he sat on the windowsill and I kissed him as he jumped off. He climbed over the fence into his house. I walked to my closet as I slide on my clothes and pull on my boots.

I walked to my bathroom to fixed my hair and I grabbed my purse as I walked downstairs to the kitchen

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I walked to my bathroom to fixed my hair and I grabbed my purse as I walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning twin". I looked to see Braydon and I hugged him. "Morning big brother". I said as I got a bowl and cereal. I don't have it with milk as I don't like the cereal soggy and I just have the milk seperate. I then made some cookies and cream hot chocolate.

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