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Emily's POV

I woke up feeling pain in my head. I looked around to see it was dark and in front of me was bars. Like being in a prison cell. There was only one window and a filthy toilet and sink. Then they walked here and Maddox got in my face. "Look, its you... I've been waiting a long time for this". She pulled out a knife and she pulled my hand as she cuts my hands, but only small. Randy walked in with a belt and Nathan had chained my hands and ankles to the wall as Randy faced me. "You should've been with me beautiful". I moved my face from his touch. He grabbed my jaw and his grip was tight. "Don't you fucking move". He then hit me with the belt on my leg as I saw Nathan heating up the fork and touching it on me. "Ow! Please stop!" I screamed, but they wouldn't stop. Then all I saw was black.

Chris's POV

I was at the beach still trying to figure out if this was Maddox. "Where is the hell is my twin!?" Braydon yelled as Naomi tried to calm him down. I punched the rock and then I was hearing crying. "Where is my daughter!?" Jason asked. "Emily?" Justine asked as I dropped to the floor. "Someone kidnapped him... What if.. What if she's". Justine broke down crying and she ran to Anthony. "We will find Emily. But we need all sick together". I said as Anthony whips Justine tears and she hugs him. "Riley, stay here with Justine. I'm not risking losing of you two". Dylan said. "Your not going anywhere without me". We all looked to see Bruce. "Bruce, they toured me and I'm not letting that happen to her". Bruce said as Jason got in my face. "If anything happens to her... I'll make you pay". Jason walked away. We walked to the car and I drove us to the woods.


I was driving around to see if Emily is somewhere. I saw an old abandoned house and I hear a voice yelling for help. I stopped the car and hopped out to the house. "Emily shut the hell up! Chris isn't fucking coming!" I heard Randy yelling. I ran back to the car and driving to the side as Braydon parked behind me. I arrived and I banged to the door like more than ten times. Then Liam opened the door and I pinned him inside the house as I caught my breath. Braydon pushed me off as he was beating his ass and I walked around. Then I heard Jason walking in behind me. "I know Emily is Randy". I said. "I'm coming too". Isaac said as Lacey and Naomi were next to me. "Be careful baby". I said and the girls went downstairs and we went to the kitchen. "Well, well, well... Looked what we have here". I turned to see Randy with Buster, Luke and Nathan. The tool who broke her heart. "Where is my girlfriend!?" I snapped as Nathan pulled Emily in. "We have two more people". Randy said as Buster pushed my mother who was holding Rebecca. "What's the catch?" Emily's look changed when Bruce popped in. "I had killed you?" Randy asked as we laughed. I had completely forgot that, Bruce has an identical twin brother. "You killed my evil twin brother". He laughed as he walked to Emily and he pulled  out a small knife from his shoe as he lead bcdit against Emily's neck. "Should I kill this beautiful one or your momma?" He had the knife against her neck. "Why do you want my mother and baby sister?" They all laughed and it atand I looked at Emily. "Save your mum and sister". She mouth me and at them. "Who is it going kma kand Or your lover Emily?" I looked at Emily as she did an unnoticeable nod. "I chose my mum and sister". Buster let go of them and Emily was pushed to me. "Chris, talk them and hide them. I'll find a way out of here". She took a few steps back. "Wait". I pulled her to me as I wrapped my hands around her, her hands on my face and I kissed her. "Come on". Luke pulled Emily away from me. I walked out of here and I looked at Jason.

"Help my mum and my sister to get out of here". I said as he nodded. "I want my daughter". I looked at the door and I walked inside. I then was pushed down the stairs and I was about to get up until I was kicked on the waist. "Fuck!!!" Then I was pulled up and I saw Emily on the chair in with chains. "Emily". I was sat on the chair and Luke up duck tape on my mouth. "Maddox?" Randy called out as she came in and she grabbed the other chains as she pulled it, which making her scream. "Emily, I'm going to play a game... I got questions and if you get them wrong, Maddox will pull and if you get it correct we won't pull". Randy said as Liam was holding a book and Buster was standing next to her with a lighter and fork. "But, what if I answer it all right?" He just ignored her and straight to the questions. "1. Who almost raped you?" Randy asked as she looked weird. "Maddox's bloody husband and Liam". Maddox was just smiling and then Nathan was holding me down as Buster burns her. "Why did you believe Lexi was ur friend?" He asked again and she throw off the hat. "I don't know". Maddox pulled as she screamed. I felt so bloody helpless. "Correct answer was... Its to good to be true, I was amazed when Lexi stood by my side and I'm gonna me returning the favour back". Liam said as she looked at her feet and she had her eyes on me. "What did u do on your birthday?" We all looked at Maddox for a while as she laughs. "I had a nice dinner with new barbie dolls". I saw Maddox pulling her hard and she screamed louder. "Wrong, this is the right one... I lived with my stepdad and stepmom and her son. They hurt me by belts, wooden spoons, rolling pin, sports balls and sports bats. When it was my birthday, they gave me cat food as a present they gave me a cat collar and they made me sleep in their dog house outside for a week". I looked at her and I saw the tears falling down. She her eyes were shut as they let her go. I ripped off the tape and I punched all of them in the face as I carried Emily out to the road. I saw my dad against my car and I got in the back of the car putting Emily down. "Son, you need me to drive to the hospital?" Dad asked as I nodded when he got in the car and I shut the door. "Emily, babydoll? I hope can forgive me, by me just sitting there.... I don't want to lose you too... I love you". I hold in my arms.


Two Weeks Later

Emily was still getting better even if she hasn't woke up yet. I watch her everyday and she hasn't woke up yet. I just stood there as I watched Justine sleeping while Anthony takes a smoke. "Babydoll, I hope you can here me. I miss you and I want you back. Your all I ever wanted and I get to live peacefully without my dad's old gang getting in our way. He is reunited with my mum and my sister... You should've seen the look on his face knowing about Rebecca. My mother says hi". I then walked to Jason who was with Dahpnia and Roger.

Emily's POV


I was walking down this path and I saw the cemetery as I walked inside and straight down to the big tree, which used to be small. I saw the stone with my mother's name on it and I stood there. "I'm sorry momma... This is all my fault". Then I heard a sweet voice. "Emily Ross, is beautiful girl is my daughter and I just can't believe how much you have changed". Mother said as she faced me. "This isn't your fault... Jackson took you away from Jason. I would never make you go through this, if I was alive right now. I watched how much your brothers love you especially your twin". Mother also said. "I just wish I could be with you". I saw her tear fall down. "I can hear this Chris boy wants you back. He has lost important people in his life... He needs you". I nodded as I then shook my head. "I'll be here when you need me". She then disappears.

Dreaming Over

I woke up as I saw Chris holding my hand. "I love you babydoll". He kissed my hand. "I love you too buddy". He looked at me and he kissed me as everyone over to me. I remembered my dream, I'll never forget you momma and I'm gonna like my life the way I intend too.

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