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Naldo P.O.V

I wake up and see nothing but shirtless me in the bed. Dang where did Cyd go its 7:00 in the morning she never gets up no later than 3:00 in the afternoon. As i was putting on my pants i tripped but quickly balanced myself on the window. I see Cyd and some dude sitting on the swings in the yard. Cyd hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I feel so stupid. She was suppose to be my girl.
Then she walks in the room

"Hey Naldo your up" she says

"Yeah Cyd where were you" i say

"Umm in shelby's room" she says

I can't believe she lied to me

"Are you sure" i say

"Definitely" she says

Ugh why lie and ruin the relationship. If you can tell the truth and save the relationship.
I just walk out of the room go to barry's new science lab. Since the RV blew up.
Nobody's in in their so i just sit on the couch.

"Naldo what's wrong" cyd says taking a seat by me

"Can you answer one question? Who was that guy you were talking to" i say

"Oh you seen that. I can explain" she says as i cut her off

"Explain what that you kissed him and right after what i said. What we been threw. What happened last night." i say

"Naldo. I didn't mean to hurt you. It started when we were in the cab arguing. He texted me on instagram. Even though he lived in Texas. Then when he came down here i decided to end it. For us. And i hugged and kissed him because he was sad but understood the situation. Naldo you have to start trusting me" she says

" Im sorry cyd. Im just afraid of losing you to some hunk. Do you forgive me" i say

"Of course i do" she says

We hug an kiss and i was so relieved that she wasn't cheating.

Short chapter. I know. Its just i have school today and its gonna be really hard updating. I love you guys❤❤

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