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Landry PoV

I watched as Ricky ran out. I would've chased after him but I know he just needs pace.

"Umm do you want to go get him for the rest of the news" the doctor says"

"Its okay, he just need space. Gus was like his bestfriend. But whats the rest of the news" landry asked

"He can leave tomorrow. We just have to run a few tests on him and then he'll be free to go. But twice every month bring him back"

"Thanks doc well ill be here... About 2:00"

"Excellent" the doctor says walking away

I walk out the room. Leaving everyone else to talk to Gus who didnt get to say what he had to say. And went back to the house. When i walked in the house i seen Ricky sitting on the couch with shades on starring off into space..

Ricky POV

All im thinking in my head is. Why gus? I never got to tell him how i feel. How i always felt. He was my bestfriend. Then Landry walks in.

" Hey Ricky the doctor said we could get gus tomorrow. But we have to bring him twice a month"

"Ok" i say with no expression

"You Know Ricky you can tell me anything." Sits next to him

"I dont wanna talk" Turns away biting the inside of his cheek

"Ok" gets up "fine" landry says before walking up stairs


I know I know I haven't updated in a while now. But...

Question: What do you think Ricky has to tell Gus?

Stay B&B
Beautiful and Blessed

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