∆Primo giorno∆

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Sia per la casual story sia per la deep story il primo giorno è uguale quindi vi metterò quali cuori otterrete ecc..[Qui è in inglese]
00:03 Welcome

Character(s): Yoosung
Note: 707 calls after this chat
Outgoing Call(s): Jumin, Zen, Yoosung (short call)


Selection 1
I’m a pretty unique person. (707)
Just one lonely sheep longing for someone’s arms. (Alt Selection 1)
I’m just an average person. (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 1
What’s a wolf? ^^ (Yoosung)
I’m gonna eat you up RAWR (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 2
So what. (Alt Selection 3) 
It’s nice to see that you’re positive. (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 3
Haha I’m joking. (Nothing)
Nope lol (Yoosung)

Selection 2
I’m not really the cute type… (Nothing)
Lol you’re gonna be so surprised when you see me in person. (Alt Selection 4)
Thank you ^^ (Yoosung)

Alt Selection 4
Ya. (Nothing)
I hope so; (Nothing)

Selection 4
What games? (Alt Selection 5)
Have fun~ (Nothing)

Alt Selection 5
LOLOL? League of Loneliness of Life? (Yoosung)
LOLOL? Ludicrous Otaku and Lego Otaku’s Life? (Nothing)

02:21 - Welcome2

Character(s): Jaehee


Selection 1
I still have no idea how to play this game T_T (Alt Selection 1)
Jaehee, why are you awake? (Nothing)

Alt Selection 1/End Conversation
Sorry if I hurt your feelings^^ (Jahee)
I just said it because it looked fun. (Yoosung *Break?)

Selection 2
You’re so diligent. (Nothing)
Aren’t you tired? (Alt Selection 2)

Alt Selection 2/End Conversation
I’m so jealous that you don’t need a lot of sleep~!
Shouldn’t you be getting more sleep…? (Jahee)

Selection 3
I’m pretty lazy. (Alt Selection 3/End Conversation)
I am quite the diligent one. (Nothing)

Alt Selection 3
It’s nothing. You’re just concerned for me. (Jahee)
You do;;

Selection 4
Why are you being so fussy;; (Jaehee Break)
Thank you for your advice. (Jaehee)

*Breaks are bad and remove 1 heart from your chat total. Unless you are trying to mess up, I wouldn’t recommended you picking a break on purpose if it’s for the person who’s route you are going for.

Mystic Messenger Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora