Nothing Personal

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James POV

Ahhh... nothing likethe smell of another lost soul in the morning.  That one had been too easy. I  smiled to myself as I recalled the look on poor young Jenifers face as she was dragged under water.  The girl had had a boating accident when she was young which left her traumitised of water.  Too easy. 

I pulled my red cloak tighter round myself as I walked out of Jenifers dream, through the dream gate and into the soul room.  All the souls I had trapped were in this room, and they liekd to make it really frosty in here as they knew I had to walk this way on my way to my fathers throne room.

"Evn'n ma lord" called out Jerry when I entered the room.  He was very black country and always wore a flat cap. "Jerry, who am I terrifying the life out of tonight?"  I smiled.  Jerry was my father secretary and gave me my assignments.  "This here lass"  Jerry drawled as he handed me a small file. " Names 'a' Truth Spinner. Age of 'a 15.  Liv's on Runner's end wit' her siblin's Lies, short for Lisabell, Harmony an'  Justice, nickname for Justin"

I frowned "Jerry, are you sure this is correct, Runner's end is a alleyway in London,  there are no houses there"

"Aye" said Jerry winking " that's cus the wee lass an; them liv' behin' the dumpster.  Strays right enough.  Ur boss-man wants the ens tied up so ta speak"

I nod. This should be easy.  I look at the picture clipped to the edge of the file.  It's of a tall, lanky girl with soulful grey eyes, a dirt smugged face and a tangle of short brown hair.  If she was cleaned up she'd be rather pretty.

Sorry about this Truth Spinner, it's nothing personal.

I head back to the gateway of dreams.  Here we go again.

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