Chapter 3

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I sigh as I feel the cool breeze on my face. I truly loved this time of the year, I'm a weirdo I like the cold.

I put my head down and got the shock of my life when I felt a little body run into me and grasp my legs.

"Dylan!" A little voice squeaked out. I looked down smiling and saw Juicy, the little boy who lived a couple doors down from me. His name is James and I have no idea where the nickname juicy comes from.

"Hey squirt" I said bending down in my tight jeans, so I could be the same height as him.

"Dylan do you like Boys or girls?" I was a bit surprised at the question, a 6 year old questioning my sexuality.

"Uhm why do you ask?"

He looked up at me with his big blue eyes, he was so adorable.

"Because I just wondered cuz I saw a boy and boy holding hands and my big friend Allen who's 12 shouted out the word fag or something and I don't know why cuz if a boy and a boy like each other why can't they go out?"

My smile fell a bit and I sighed "some people just don't like that boys like boys or girls like girls Juicy"

His little face screwed up with confusion "but, it doesn't do anything to them. Mummy always tells me that it's rude to not mind my own business and if nothings hurting me if something happens I shouldn't be worried or care about it"

"She's right, you shouldn't be. And I like boys actually" I smiled and his eyes lit up.

"Oh that's great! Cuz then maybe you'll find a pretty boy and love him and grow up and get married and have babies and stuff! That'd be so cute!"

I sighed, how is it that a six year old child is more understanding that the majority of teenagers and adults?

"Oh and another question. Um why do your wrists bleed? Are you an angel? Because mummy said aswell that people with bleeding wrists are angels, and the people on earth are mean and make them hurt themselves"

Now that I thought about it I'd never seen his mum, only a youngish girl and a man.

"Your mums really smart juicy"

He smiled a gap toothed smile "thanks, she's an angel to but she's already gone back to heaven" he hugged my legs and ran off towards his friends shouting out a "Bye" and waving his chubby little hand.

I stood there with a frown on my face for a couple minutes.

Poor Juicy.

I sighed and continued on my walk, I walked down a little trail into the forest.

I walked on and on, my head down and my thoughts running wild.

I stepped on a branch and heard a crack which shocked me back into reality. My head spun left and right and I realised this was the furthest if ever walked and I was lost.

I looked back hopefully looking for the trail. Nope. Id walked right away from the trail and I didn't even fucking notice. What am I gonna do?

I checked my phone a little desperately and noticed the battery was almost dead and there was absolutely no signal whatsoever. Which meant even if someone rang me I wouldn't be able to hear them and vica versa.

Just my fucking luck. I started walking back my body tense and my head turning and every little noise.

It was safe to say I was terrified.

I heard something rustle in the bushes and I lost it. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I was running swiftly and I crashed straight into something. I fell and twisted my ankle and hit my head. Looking up to the see the shadow of a person I lost. I started crying, no absolutely bawling and I knew I was going to die.

...or maybe not...

I saw a tanned face in the moonlight, it was a boy about my own age with blonde spiked hair and a good body.

He bent down concern lacing his face.

"Oh My god are you okay?! Please stop crying I didn't mean to scare you!"

Fucking liar he didn't care.

I started backing up on my bum but he reached down and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey I can't just leave you all alone when you're hurt! What's your name?" He pulled me up but kept his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Um Dylan" I muttered wiping my eyes. I was absolutely mortified.

"Don't be embarrassed" he said softly wiping my eyes. "You can't be embarrassed about crying because you were scared. I was afraid of the dark until I was 13!"

I laughed, well it was more of a pathetic giggle but still.

"Nawhh you're adorable, I'm Jeremy by the way. What're you doing out here so late?"

"I just wanted to go for a walk and well I kinda got lost and yeah.." I blushed at the fact he called me adorable.

"Well I think I might see you in school. I just moved here, where do you live? I have to bring you home love" he smiled at me.

"Uh you don't need to do that, I can get home by myself" I muttered toeing the ground with my converse covered foot.

Jeremy chuckled.

"You're covered in dirt, I'm pretty sure I heard your head hit off that tree and by the looks of it your ankle is sprained. Or at least badly twisted"

He quickly swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style.

"Hey! I didn't say carry me you arse!"

He laughed "I know, but you're hurt and I'm gonna be nice and bring you home"


I wanted to make this chapter longer but I haven't posted in ages and wanted to post. Also today is valentines day. I despise this day. Idk why I just do.

Plus my boyfriend cheated on me the other day😞


Anyways happy valentines day to all youse who have it haven't got a valentine!

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