Chapter 5

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"My parents aren't home and I lost my key a few days ago" I stated

"Come to mine" Jeremy smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

Why couldn't I have perfect teeth?

Why couldn't i look like Jeremy?

With his perfect hair and straight teeth and fit body. I-

"Dylan?" Jeremy put his hand on my hip.

"Uh you okay there? You kinda zoned out.."

I shook my head, "uh yeah sorry I'm fine. What were you saying?"

Jeremy smiled again

"I was saying come to my house, you can charge your phone there and go home later"


It was silent while we walked up to Jeremy's. It wasn't awkward just comfortable.

Jeremy kept glancing down, at my hand I think, and then looking back up a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Uh are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, um, I just" it was really cute seeing him get all flustered.

"Um yeah I just, uh can I hold your hand?" The once light blush on his cheeks was really noticeable now, spreading all down his neck as well.

"Uh I mean it's fine if you don't want to i just yeah um"

I cut him off "yeah I guess, if you want. I don't mind"

Jeremy smiled and grabbed my small hand in his large one, intwining our fingers while I looked down and blushed.

"Hey, don't look down. I can't see your face" Jeremy put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up.

I smiled weakly.

"Uh so where do you live?"

We walked up to a house, obviously Jeremy's and walked in.

"Jer? Is that you?" I heard a boys voice call out.

A monster of a lad walked out of the sitting room, like I kid you not the chap was about 6'6 or 7.

He looked down at our hands and looked at me, a smirk on his face.

"So jer, when were you gon' say you had a boyfriend?"

I blushed and when I glanced at Jeremy he blushed too.

"We're not goin out Jay" Jeremy muttered.

"Oh. Why not"

I was getting redder by the second and let my hand go limp, pulling it out of Jeremy's and putting them behind my back. I thought I saw Jeremy look at me with a hint of hurt on his face but I probably just imagined it.

"We're going upstairs now okay?" Jeremy didn't wait for an answer as he grabbed my waist and pushed me up the stairs in front of him.

His hand never left my waist as he guided me gently to his room.

It wasn't a typical teenage boys room, all messy and smelly with posters of playboy girls on the wall.

It was painted a nice blue and was pretty tidy. There were a few posters on the wall but just of popstars and bands, the fray, the script, 5Sos and 1D.

"One direction?" I asked

Jeremy's face flushed red "uh yeah I don't really like their older songs, it's more the midnight memories album I'm into"

There was pictures above his bed, some of him and Jay, a few of him, Jay and a man and women whom I guessed were his mam and dad. And 2 or 3 of him and a guy, they looked totally in love.

"Who's that?" I asked softly indicating the boy.

"That was my boyfriend Conor, he um died a couple months back" his voice filled with hurt and without thinking what I was doing I hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my closer, sniffling into my shoulder.

"Im sorry"

He lifted his head up "s'okay, wasn't your fault"

"I know but like yeah"

He smiled sadly and let go of me "so uh lemme charge your phone yeah?"

"Yeah" I handed him the iPhone and he plugged it in.

"So whatcha wanna do till it charges?" He smiled brightly at me

"I don't mind, I'm pretty boring so" I said softly.

He frowned "no you're not! You're just quite! We can like I don't know watch a movie or something?"

I agreed and soon enough we were cuddled up on his bed watching some horror that I don't even know what it was called.

I admit that it was a bit odd, being cuddled up in a bed with some boy who id only met hours before. But whatever.

I looked at my phone and sat up "I'm sorry, I have to go now" I got up and fixed my clothes.

Jeremy frowned "okay, can I have your number? We can hang out tomorrow if you want?"

"Yeah" I smiled and we exchanged numbers.

• • •

I walked inside my house and softly closed the door behind me.

"Dylan! Where were you?! We were worried sick!"

I looked up to see my angry mum a scowl etched on her face.

I grew angry, she hadn't even called me! She'd texted me about 10 minutes before id left Jeremy!

"What? You didn't even call me! And you texted me once! Plus when I got back you were all gone and the door was locked! You on obviously weren't that worried about me!" I shot back

"Where were you?" She asked a bit nicer this time.

"At a friends. I'm going to bed now" I said and walked upstairs.

I fell on my bed with a loud thump and smiled. I had a new friend.

And I fell asleep with a stupid grin on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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