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Wuaaaaah Francesca cried zee she looks like you Bella smiled btw mummy   Is papa alright? Zia and Jules nodded and Arthur laughed of course honey he's fine don't worry Ey!! Cec hi!!! Jules kissed her. Mm why Cec Jules? Hehehe jules laughed short for "Francesca!" Ewy? She began to talk Zia giggled ohh ohh Oui she loves kitty Jules that's cute!! Yup and she does look like papa  though mm  Miggy oh Jules
Oui of course she's my baby girl she and she does look like me!! Francesca kept meowing  and scratching on the scratching post aw she loves kitty Arthur cried with tears  meow kitty meowed back! Mm papa?  Sophie looked at Francesca for awhile.
Oui amour? Miggy questioning his own daughter.

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