Wuuuuuah!!!! Hi love Arthur was covered with blood and sweat mmm Miggy she has your eyes Oui I know amor so she came out the same way the twins were? Yes it also the same way!love but
my water broke like at 11:00 o'clock Francine wants to come out! So Raph came and you were beside me when she came out of me! Ey!! Francesca giggled hi!! Cine!!! Ah it's okay don't cry!!! Mm Oui it's alright love she's a bit uncomfortable with a lot of people!!! Miggy gently hold her tightly. Mm Arthur smiled at Francesca love why "cine?" Ah good question her name is Francine so "cine!" For short!! D'awe zee she loves you though! Hehehehe Oui of course Zia smiled I'm her older sister! I love Francine too!!