chapter 1-

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Hi my name is Harvey-Blue and this is my last year of high school

"Well it's the first day of are last year of school for ever" I say to my friends while waiting to go to are first class "I'm so happy its are last year I hate school so much its so shit" Belle explains "only because your never pay attention" Arlo straits "and like I've always said I'm just going to become a stripper you don't need to know anything and you get paid good money" Belle explains "yeah only if your good at it" Arlo "oh and I am see" she says starting to dance around Arlo "see those boys over there agree" she adds on giving the boys a little wave I start laughing a little and Arlo looks so uncomfortable

"Ok come on guys class is going to start soon and I don't want to be late" I say  "you have never been late to class or skipped a class come on Harvey live a little" Belle says "and plus I'm not coming to class Nixon and a couple of his mates are skipping so I decided I would skip with them" she says looking over at the group. Its funny I've gone to the same high school with them since year 8 and I've never spoken to them before... they probably don't even know who I am considering there the 'popular' group and now I've realized I've been staring for way to long and won of them noticed

"Cheeks are a little red there Blue" Arlo comments "shut up" I say quickly smacking him the covering my cheeks  "ouch and look they have gone darker did you notice that Belle" Arlo says "how could you miss it" she comments "ok lets go to class" "bye babe come to my house after school" I say giving her a quick hug and dragging Arlo to class.

We both get to class and just before the bell goes, we go in sit down and get started on work well I did "hey when your finished just pass me the sheet and I will copy ok" Arlo says looking at me with a big grin "fine... what would you do without me" I say looking back down at my work "well clearly I would be failing" he says and I just giggle. After about 20 minutes I finish the work sheet and pass it to Arlo "here and are you coming over mine after school" I ask "definitely...mum wants me to clean the house and I can just say we are studying" He explains "ok I'm glad I can bail you out of that... well I'm going to go to the toilet" I say getting up and asking the teacher.

I'm on my way to the toilet and as I'm on my way back to class I head around the corner to see Belle at the end of the path so I head over to her I notice two boys with her I don't really know them and I'm an awkward person talking to people I don't know so I quickly turn around hoping they don't notice me

"Hey Harvey!" Belle calls out "oh shit" I mumble under my breath before turning around trying to put a smile on "hey" I say as I get close enough "was little miss perfect wagging" Belle jokingly asks "oh yep defiantly as I always do" I say trying to keep a serious face and avoid the boys faces "Na I just had to go to the toilet and now heading back to class where you should be" I say glancing at the two boys then back at Belle "yeah I know but we both know that's not going to happen any ways guys this is Harvey-blue I don't think use have ever met" she says facing the boys "hey"            they both say and I just smile "ok well anyways I'm taking you back to class" I say linking my arms with Belles and start walking off after half way town the path I turn around and glance at the boys one of them gives me a wink and then the other one looses it laugh and of course I go red "don't worry there f-boys but there still good guys" Belle says "what are you talking about" I ask "you went red so I guess they must have done something" she explains and I don't say anything

We get back to class and I surprise Arlo with Belle "look who I found" I say to Arlo as we sit down "your Lucky I love you other whys I would have stayed with the hot guys" she explains "well no one is hotter to look at then us two" I say putting my face next to Arlo's "well yeah there is and all I have to do is look in the mirror" Belle say with a laugh coming from all three of us

Its now the afternoon and Arlo, Belle and I are just sitting around watching some random wolf shoe I think it was called teen werewolves or wolf teens at my house as we planned "hey can we play a game or something I'm bored" Belle says putting her phone down "Like what" Arlo says "um truth or dare" Belle suggests "sure what about you Blue" Arlo asks "I guess" I say sitting up "ok Harvey truth or dare" Belle says.

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