Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry,it's not my fault,please don't leave me,nooooooo!!!!"

I always wake up to that voice telling me that I killed my brother. My dad walks into my room.

"My angel, what happened to you?"

"Just a ni-ii-gh-hh-t-ma--re", I reply in between tears.

My father instantly knows what is wrong with me.

"Don't cry my cute angel, all that happened that night has nothing to do with you at all. Just forget about it okay. I know that you really miss your brother but what happened has already happened."

I keep on trying to tell myself that but each time I do I am convinced more that I killed him. I wonder what would have happened that night if I didn't accept his dare. Maybe he would have been alive now. I miss him so much.


29th August 2009

Trevor dared me to attend a party. I declined at first, then I later accepted the dare. While on the way, a drunk truck driver hit us and my brother jumped on me so that I wouldn't be hit. Now I remember that night with blood everywhere,my brother's head split open,so many injuries and me crying and wishing it to be all a dream but I was so wrong. My brother died a hero trying to protect me and I love him for that but I still feel I caused his death.


I looked at the time and it's almost 7am.

"I'll be so so late if I keep on crying like this. Dad thank you so much for always being there for me."

My dad smiled at me and told me that he would always be there for me. I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I rushed downstairs to have my breakfast and when I was done, my best friend was waiting for me.

"Nicole what kept you so long?",she says after I come out of the house.

"Miranda, I'm so sorry, I had the nightmare again. Please forgive me."

I smiled because I know she can't be mad at me. Miranda Scott has been my best friend since we were in diapers. After my brother, she is my next best friend and I love her so much.


As we walked to school, Miranda tells me that there is a new boy in our class. She says that he is cute and she thinks I'll like him.

"I'll probably hate him. What makes you think I'll like him? I've not even met him yet." I think to myself.

"Miranda what if I don't like him?".

"You will just wait and see."

"I may just ignore him totally."

"Oh don't you dare. If you ignore him I won't talk to you anymore."

Damn!! I said my thoughts aloud.

"I'm just kidding."

I just smile at her and we finally get to school and the first class is French. Who starts her day with French?

"Bonjour Mademoiselle Janet" we all chorus as the teacher enters the class.

"Comment cá va?"

"Ca va bien merci et vous?"

"Ca va bien. Asseyez vous."

"What was our last topic?"

I'm totally blank. Why did this have to happen to me at the beginning of the day? A high-pitched banshee-like voice answers

"Conjugacion mademoiselle"

I know that voice anywhere. Uggghhhh!!!!

CATHERINE MCANTHONY, the head of the cheerleading squad. She is addicted to attention and she doesn't care what kind of attention she gets. She always wants to be in the lead all the time.Catherine is a pain in the nostrils.

Now she is all gooey-eyed staring at the new boy. He's not looking at her but she is still staring. I shift my gaze from whatever that is.

The new guy is Luke Grayson. He has brown hair, blue eyes, a perfectly chiseled jaw. He's putting on a shirt with a leather jacket and jeans and his teeth are dangerously white.

He walks towards me(maybe because I'm sitting alone).

"Hey!", he calls out like I'm some kind of animal who doesn't have a name.

"Hi", I reply almost in a whisper without looking up.

"I'm Luke and I'm new here. I need someone to show me round the school and the neighborhood and someone told me you were the right person to meet."

He's just standing here waiting to me to respond but I don't even lift up my face. I catch a glimpse of Catherine looking this way.

"I'll do it", I blurt without even thinking then I give Catherine a wicked grin and she mouths "We've just started ".


Hey there. This is my first book. Comment to tell me what you think about it and please don't forget to vote.

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