21. Joey -+ Barely Breathing [Part One]

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Well, here it is. Freddie's past. A drum-roll should be inserted here. It's part of this chapter that I'd already written ages ago, back in like chapter six or something. From the bit in Freddie's room, and there's more written but I wanted to split it. Also, I've edited a lot (because story plans have changed as I've gone on), so just tell me what you think. It was hard to write the bit with Cath and Lou.

UGH. I'm rambling. Let me know, vote, etc! Thank you so much to everyone. 

Also, listen to the song? And you know I wrote a song for this chapter? Well if I don't think I sound terrible I might post it with a chapter... Je ne sais pas. >..<

Chapter Twentey One

Barely Breathing

Joey – +

“You're disgusting.” Cath's voice was colder than I'd ever imagined she could manage. She was crouching by Lou, helping the hot-headed girl up. “Now get out of this house.” She turned her head calmly and her gaze was clearly directed towards the group of about five men standing in the landing. They all gave (who I assumed was) Freddie's dad questioning looks, but his protests were nothing compared to Cath's ice cold eyes. They left in a hurry, past Freddie's dysfunctional family and began to tramp down the stairs.

As Cath lifted Lou, I went to her aid. The sound of the front door shutting made me glance down the stairs to see the housekeeper, Mia, leaning against the door, face in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking up and down. I turned away again, hating that there was nothing I could do.

I wasn't even sure what had happened. First me and Freddie had been- well, getting close in his closet, and then I'd tumbled onto him and we were outside surrounded by a load of people. I had been pretty embarrassed, before a load of things just... happened. Freddie's dad said something I didn't understand- though I swear he said something about rape- and Freddie was suddenly so angry. It was so unexpected that I totally forgot to be embarrassed, I pretty much forgot everything. Cath and Lou seemed to spring into action, while his dad stumbled backwards. His mum flinched and began sobbing, turning away from the scuffle, and the other men acted as spectators, like me. I felt like I was falling back into being the coward I'd always been. I was scared. Freddie was... He was mad with rage, and I was frozen, I couldn’t do anything.

Cath looked from Freddie's father to his mother and back, but said nothing to them. Instead she turned to me and asked if I'd follow her, which I did in a hurry, noticing that she and Lou were holding hands tightly, as if to hold each other together. I felt a little more part of things in a strange way when Lou glanced at me and took my hand too, smiling at me as if I'd done anything to help the situation.

They lead me into a room that completely shocked me. It was beautiful, unlike anything I'd ever seen before, and huge just like Freddie's. It seemed as if from every other inch of the ceiling there was something vaguely magic hanging down, dangling and swaying twisting in the breeze the opening of her door had provided- and by her I meant Lou. Because it was Lou's room, clearly. The four walls were painted with what looked like Lou and some fairly good-looking guy. There were trinkets and jewellery frothing from boxes and boxes and bags of every colour in every corner. Material hung from closets rather than inside and there were endless cushions on a sofa by her window- similar to one Freddie had, now that I thought about it.

"Fuck," I said, stopping just inside, because what more was there to say?

Lou and Cath laughed as they turned around. "Yeah, forgot about all this, haven't shown someone my room for the first time in a while. Welcome to my lair."

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