XII. messages

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Emy: hey, you okay?

grant <3: umm yeah, my head just hurts a little when I move

grant <3: or think

grant <3: or do anything really

Emy: ha well serves you right, you drank soooo much

grant <3: I was just trying to have some fun

Emy: you threw up while we where walking to the limo

grant <3: not my proudest moment.....

grant <3: did you take me home ?

Emy: uhh yeah, everyone wanted to stay a bit longer and I was already kinda tired so I volunteered to take you home

grant <3: oh, thanks you're an angel sent from above

Emy: haha :)

grant <3: oh and how did you know where I lived ?

grant <3: were you one of those creepy stalkers before you came on the show ????

Emy: hahaha you wish

Emy: Carlos gave me the address, and he snuck your keys from your pockets :)

grant <3: oh, yeah that's a much more logical explanation

Emy: but I might be lying ??? You'll never know ;);)

grant <3: ha, well I got to go. Need to hydrate before a meeting later

Emy: yeah hydrate a lot

Emy: now whatever you do DONT get alcohol poisoning

grant <3: haha I'll try my best , see you emy

Emy: bye grant

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