Chapter 11

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That Saturday, Mar'i found herself at Wayne Manor again. She was spending time with Damian and Colin. She rather enjoyed their company.

The three teenagers were down in the Bat-cave. Damian and Colin were training while Mar'i finished some homework.

Damian was practicing sword techniques against a training dummy with his katana.

"How come you train with that thing when you can't even use it in the field?" The redhead asked his friend.

"Tt." Damian rolled his eyes at his friend. "Because, Wilkes, while I can't use it on patrol, that doesn't mean I won't need it elsewhere. Besides, it is beneficial to keep practicing."

"Yeah, I guess," Colin shrugged. He then turned to the half-alien sitting in the chair nearby. "Hey, Mar'i, did you guys use cool weapons on Tamaran?"

Mar'i looked up from her notebook. "Yes. We had all kinds; battle axes, spears... um, I don't know what it would be called it English, but we also had these clubs with spikes on them."

"A morning star?" Damian suggested.

"Yeah, I think that's it," Mar'i nodded.

"So you guys were loaded in the weapons department then, huh?" Colin asked.

"Well, we are a warrior race, so yes. But we only used them for battle. Luckily, when I still lived there, there were never any wars, so weapons weren't used, unless for combat training."

"Combat training?" Colin echoed. "So you know how to fight?"

"Of course," Mar'i responded with a nod. "It's a requirement for all princesses."

"Do you think you could spar with us?" Colin asked her.

      The dark-haired girl tried to repress a smirk. "I could. But I'd probably hurt you," she giggled, jotting something down on her homework.

"Aw, c'mon, I don't think you'd actually hurt us."

"I wouldn't underestimate her, Wilkes," Damian chimed in, while he was polishing his katana.

"What, have you seen her fight or something?" Colin asked.

"No," responded Damian. "But I've seen her mother fight. And Starfire was a woman you did not want to mess with."

"It's true," Mar'i said. "Tamaranean strength is equivalent to a Kryptonian's strength."

"So you're as strong as Superman? That's so cool!" Colin exclaimed.

"Probably not as strong as Superman, considering I'm only a teenage girl. But pretty close, yeah."

Colin's eyes lit up, as he was suddenly struck with an idea. "You know," he started. "That strength could be useful out in the field."

"Hmm?" Mar'i looked up from her work, again.

"And those starbolts, too. The criminals won't know what's hit them."

"Wilkes, are you implying that Mar'i should become a vigilante?" Damian raised an eyebrow at the redheaded boy.

"Oh, I don't know," Mar'i said. "I don't have the same type of training as you guys, and I don't think my Dad would want me to..."

"But Dick's a vigilante!" Colin countered. "And so was Starfire. It'd only make sense if you were one, too."

"While you have a point," Damian addressed him. "I don't think Grayson is going to put his long-lost child's life at risk to fight crime."

"Aw, come on! It'd be fun! We could all team up!" Colin protested. "I wonder what your alias would be, Mar'i. Hmm... maybe you could be Starfire the second? Or—"

"That's enough, Colin," Damian interrupted.

"It's a nice thought, Colin," Mar'i smiled at her friend. "But I just don't know if I'm cut out for this sort of thing."

"Why don't we find out if you are?" Colin suggested.

"What?" Mar'i said, confused.

"What if you went on patrol with us tonight? And, I don't know, observed?"

Mar'i pondered on this. If she did have what it took to be a hero, she'd be living up to her parents' legacies. But would her Dad approve?

"Maybe, but I'd have to ask..." she began to pull her phone out of her pocket.

"I don't think this is the sort of thing you just ask Grayson about," Damian said.

"Then what do I do? Lie?"

"Not necessarily," Colin said. "You just don't say anything."

Mar'i frowned in thought.

"It's okay, if anything happens, we'll cover for you," he assured her.

Mar'i glanced over at Damian and he nodded in agreement to Colin's statement.

"Okay," she sighed, giving in. "What time's patrol?"

Yay! Finally updated! I'm so sorry to have kept you all waiting! And I'm sorry this was kinda short, but fear not! The next chapter should be up soon! :)

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