Peter Hale X Reader :Survivor of the Wild

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

So here is a new one shot about Peter and the reader. I hope I stayed enough stick to the character. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to MP me;)

Hope you enjoy!

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You clutched your abdomen, biting your lip to smother a cry of pain. A warm liquid streaked through your digits, and your heart sped up in your chest. One of the hunters had chased you during the full moon, and his blades had burnt your skin. You had run away, running for your life, deepening your race in the woods. He had finally let you go muttering under his breath that you'll be dead in two days. You kept on running, branches slashing your bare skin, until you reached the house of the Hales. You watched behind your back once you've reached the porch, staring at the darkness of the night. Silence filled the instant and your heavy breathing was the only thing your ears can hear. The lifeless forms of the trees hovering next to you like ghosts waiting in the dark. You gazed at the moon, observing its bleach circle shape and you felt your claws and fangs grew. You shook your head, groaning and controlled your inner wolf. You were not going to change now. Taking a deep breath, a hand still clenching your bloody shirt, you knocked at the wooden door. Normally, your wounds should of healed but it didn't. Something was wrong and you trusted the pack to help you even if you were not part of it. Panting, you saw Derek opened the door and his puppy blue eyes widened at your sight.

" I need your help" you said, wincing in pain.

Immediately, his hands were supporting you and you passed your arm around his neck to walk into the loft.

" What happened to you?" he asked, laying you down on the couch.

" Angry hunters" you said under your breath, clenching your hands, " But I didn't heal like usual. I don't why." Derek nodded, already looking at you and turned to Peter who had stepped in. He didn't ask question and just kneeled in front of you. He gently lifted the hem of your shirt, barely touching your skin which sent shivers down your spine and watched the wound on your waist. Your heart had sped up and you watched Peter observed intently the injure, his eyes sparkling in its sparkling blue pools. His hand squeezed lightly the armchair and you noticed the tension in his shoulders.

" I'll be okay, Peter. So what is the verdict doctor? you joked trying to lighten the mood. You knew Peter was moody and dreary sometimes, but now you needed him to be calm.

" It's deep and I need you to remove your shirt." He said in his hoarse voice. Then he lowered his head and sniffed the injure.

" Wolf-bane" he whispered, his eyes widening slightly. The uncle of Derek got up while you managed to remove with difficulties your clothes. Derek helped you and then stepped away when Peter came back. He said to him:

" I got it, go and see if no one followed her"

Derek stayed motionless.

" I'm not going to hurt her, dear nephew. Now, go!" he said, he voice a little louder. Derek just growled at him and left the room, closing the door carefully behind him after having give you a look which was saying " If he tries anything, I'll kill him" and you responded with the same look " I 'll be fine, just go", weakly smiling at him. You turned your gaze to face Peter who was watching his hands in a bucket of water. He went to the table and removed everything on it under your confused gaze:

" What are you doing, Peter?"

You tried to get up but the pain kept you in place. Peter came back to you, put his warm hands around your waist and under your knees:

" Put your arm around my neck, Y/N."

You did as he asked and he carried you bridal style to the table. Just in a black bra and your jean, you blushed at his heavy gaze. He took your hand and you heard a click echoes in the room. Then you turned your head to see your hands handcuffed to the table.You wanted to move your other hand but Peter had already taken the second, using his super speed. You groaned warnly at him and his eyes flashed in a sparkling blue colour.

" You won't move while I'm removing the poison. Now, focus on something, and try to not move too much."

He flashed his claws and cut your skin to get out the wolf-bane. You cried in pain and kicked the table but Peter held your waist in an iron grip. The pain was unbearable and you screamed. You turned your head to see Peter working stoically on your wound, piercing your flesh like silk and blood flowing out like a waterfall. You clenched your hand into fists and growled loudly.

" Come on Y/N, don't be a baby"

Your eyes changed into a warm colour and you said to Peter who was still deepening the cut to get out the poison.

" Don't tell me what to do, old man!"

The famous smirk of Peter Hale reached his lips while he placed his claws deeper in your flesh. You winced in pain, arching your back to remove yourself but he held you tightly against the table. However, you managed to kick him and he grunted at you. He immobilised your legs by straddling you and despite the blazing pain in your waist, your heart sped up at this sight. His white tight V-neck t shirt was covered of your blood and you saw his muscles tensed.

" Don't call me like that,Y/N! Now stop moving! I have almost finished."

You grunted louder.

" Do you prefer I call you "Daddy" then?" you said, sarcastically.

He smirks at you, his hand stopping in the air. His eyes were fixed upon you, lust and envy shining in them, before giving the last stroke.

" Maybe."

With that last lash, your body jostled and you froze, breathing heavily. You looked at Peter through your tired eyelashes. Your open wound slowly healed and you felt the slight sting tickling your skin. Your body relaxed and you closed your eyes, tiredness overwhelming your body in a warm embrace.

" Thank you, Peter", you said.

Your eyes locked and you realised how close you were. He was still straddling your hips. His hand brushed your waist, noticing the softness of your skin and you shivered under his touch. You knew your cheeks had reddened and you looked away, embarrassed. He sighed at you and got up, jumping on the floor.

" Can you untie me please?"

He did as you told, barely touching you and you got up, massaging your bruised wrists. You got up, and swapped your legs on the other side, your feet hanging in the air. You looked at your crush, wondering if you should make a move or not. You knew you had scared him but you still didn't know if you could fully trust him or not. However, this time you followed your heart and snaked your arms around his neck, pushing him against you in a hug. Startled, he didn't move. Then he slowly hugged you back, his calloused hands wrapping around your body. His touch sent shivers down your spine and you hugged him tightly. When you stepped back, your eyes locked and he leant on, his storming blue eyes looking at you during the process. Your lips connected with his and you felt electricity went through your entire body but you kissed him back. Hi hands held you tighter, his nails entering in your skin and you groaned at the feeling. A dance of tongues began between the two of you and the alpha side of Peter deepened the kiss. Too focussed in the kiss, you didn't notice the presence of Derek on the threshold, arms crossed over his chest, clearing his throat. You jumped and detached yourself from Peter's embrace who grasped your hand, his eyes glowing. Derek rolled his eyes at you two and got out of the place, mumbling cursing words. Peter took you against him and said in your ear: " Now, where were we?" A smile reached your lips which were suddenly not alone anymore.

A/N: So any thoughts?

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