First Day of the Rest of Your Life

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Kara looks at all the messages Alex has sent her, but decides that a few more minutes won't make a difference. She hurries to her emergency lockers at CatCo – one of the perks of being a CEO's assistant was that you could install extra lockers in an unused basement room without being questioned – and picks a dress for the day. She wants something bright and flashy, and ends up with a white dress with red polka dots and a red cardigan. She ties her hair back in a pony tail and applies a matching lip-stick. Excellent, nobody will be able to see that she never got home last night. Now she better call Alex and make sure she isn't too upset.

Alex is upset. When Kara's phone came back online, she immediately had Winn triangulate her location. "She's near CatCo, moving towards the office from ... the direction of L-Corp."

After the late night DEO meeting last night, they noticed that Kara had left her apartment, and that her phone had been turned off somewhere near the L-Corp towers. "First chance, we put a tracking device in that phone that works even when the phone is off!" Alex did have a pang of regret about spying on her sister, but right now, keeping Kara safe was her first and only priority.

Alex had tried messaging Kara repeatedly through the night. She even had a drone with a telescopic camera take a look at Lena's office, but found it empty at that point. Finally she fell asleep at her desk, and J'onn ordered her to go sleep in a bunk instead. She was up four hours later, looking at the monitor and waiting for a signal. So, yes, when Kara finally deigned to turn on her phone, Alex was pretty upset.

"Where have you been?!" Kara holds the phone away from her ear, Alex is practically shouting.

"Sorry about that, Alex, but I needed to talk to Lena. I didn't expect to be gone this long, but I did leave a note!"

Alex looks at Winn, who shrugs. He quickly goes back over the surveillance feed from just before Kara left and lets it play where Alex can see it. Kara is doing something in the kitchen, but Alex can't see what. It could be writing a note.

She forces herself to relax. "I'm sorry, Kara, I didn't see the note, and I was just really worried about you." Stupid, stupid, rookie mistake – with the surveillance they knew Kara wasn't in the apartment, so she never went there, like she would have otherwise. That's the kind of mistake that can blow an investigation. "Where are you now?" ... because that's what she would ask if she didn't already know.

"I'm at work, at CatCo. Don't worry, I'm fine. Well, so far. I'm going to have to explain to Snapper that I haven't written anything in four days."

Alex forces a smile. "Don't worry, I hear he barks worse than he snaps!"

Kara giggles. "Thanks, sis. See you later. Love you!"

"Love you too, Kara."

That giggle finally let Alex relax. Kara is OK. "Winn?"


"You know, those secret service guys that protect the president and her family ..."


"I really, really don't envy them!"


"Did we tell James?"

Winn looks up. "Yes, I told him. He told Lucy and Clark. Then I had to tell Superman to not come flying immediately, but he'll be here later today."

"Oh, great. I messaged Eliza, she'll probably be here too." Alex stifles a yawn. "I'll try to get some sleep. I promised Maggie to have lunch. Wake me if anything happens."

Alex praises her luck – nothing did happen, and she got another two hours. That's at least in the same ballpark as a night of sleep. When she gets to the diner, Maggie is standing outside, waiting.

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