Chapter 1

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I wanna apologize in advance if this story sucks cuz this is my first story I've written so yeah enjoy✌

Emily's POV

"Ayo em" My bestfriend Noel called to me as I parked my car. I turned to him and gave him a head nod" yo what's up" "boss called me this morning he wanted me to give this to you for the other night" he gave me a stack of money. "Oh shit thanks dude" I gave him a bro hug. Just then the bell signaling that class is about to start ring. Aye I'll see you later bro" "Yeah man" I dapped him then walked off to go to class.

After class was over I headed to my locker to put my books in, just then I felt someone turned me around and slammed my back into the locker and lips hit my own. "I missed you" I smiled knowing who it was,my girlfriend samara. We had a full on make out session in the hall with everyone watching us. She pulled away and smiled at me." I missed you too babe"." So are you coming to the party later tonight". She ask." I wouldn't miss it for the world" she blushed and pecked my cheek walking away saying" ok bye love you". I waved her bye then walked off to my next class.

School ended and as I was walking out with my phone in hand texting, I walked up to my car got in and started the engine as I was backing out I felt I hit something. I got out and saw some blonde chick on the ground, her books everywhere. " Hey I'm sorry I didn't see you there" I said. " It's okay I'm used to it" just by the voice alone I could tell she was an angel. She got up and swore I never saw someone as beautiful as her " Oh okay still im sorry". I picked up her books and handed it to her." Thanks". I nodded and stared at her for a moment, she looked at me like I was a Creep and I probably was just by the way I was watching her." Uh sorry do you go to this school," she looked at me shocked and said "we're in almost all the same classes" I made an "O" shape with my mouth and once again apologized." There's a party going on later at a friend's house and I'd like it if you came, it's my way of saying sorry for what I did just now". I looked at her with hope in my eyes. Please say yes. "Parties aren't really my thing ". " Oh well I guess I'll see you around then". I watched as she walked away . I mentally slapped my self for not asking her name. I got in my car and drove home. When I got there I opened the front door to see my brother in the TV room watching steven universe. I swear he's a kid. I walked passed him to the kitchen and went in the fridge for a soda I went upstairs to my room and put my bag on my desk chair. I checked my phone to see some messages from my friends about the party

Spencer: Hey em you still going to samara's later pick me up?

Hanna:I'm hungry bitch

Aria: Party later hoe be there or I'll murder you 😉

I chuckled at their stupidity they're crazy but I love em.

Time came and I got ready for the party I had on a black leather jacket with a white v neck inside shirt and black ripped jeans and red timbs. I went downstairs and saw mom and dad in the kitchen. " hey im heading out guys." They looked and me and nodded." Bye baby girl". My dad said, I walked out and to my car to pick Spencer up when I got a called " What's up" "This charley I need you to do a drop off asap"." I'm on way to a party right now can't I do that later or tomorrow?" "NO NOW!" Did he really need to shout? I kissed my teeth and hung the phone up and went to pick Spence up I stopped in front of her house and honk the horn to signal her I'm here. She came down and in the car." I gotta drop something off real quick before we head to the party". She looked at me and then rolled her eyes and said " fine". I drove to charleys office to pick the drugs up and then went to drop it off.

Half and hour later we reach the party. We got out the car and went inside I saw hanna and caleb on the couch practically humping each other " I'm gonna go find aria "Spence leaned over and said. "Okay". I walked around trying to find samara but I wasn't luckily downstairs so I went to her room to find her. Just as I walked up the stairs she just came out her room and she jump on me wrapping her legs around my waist and kissed me like she never saw me for the whole day. she tasted like alcohol so I assume that she's drunk outta her mind." Babe you made it." "I told you I wasn't gonna miss it." She smiled and dragged me downstairs to where the alcohol was. She handed me a green liquid and I scrunched at the colour. She turned her back and I threw it in to the nearest flower pot. She was talking to one of her friends and I walked off looking around. I saw a familiar blonde looking lost in the distance and walked over to her " I thought parties wasn't your thing?" I ask the blonde. "I-I just thought that I would come since you invite me cuz I had nothing better to do at home" She's cute when she stutters. I tilted my head and smirked at her. I held her hand and walked outside where there was less noise.
"So before I say anything else I wanna know your name. " Alison." Beautiful name I thought. "Well I'm emi- "Emily I know". She cut me off and I nodded. "Okay so do you wanna go get something to eat?" "Uhh sure where?" She asked. "Anywhere you want." I said. "Okay". She blushed and walked in front of me and I couldn't help but look further down. I shook my head smiling and went to the car opening the passenger door for her she blushed and went inside I closed the door and went to the drivers side and got in starting the car and driving off to McDonald's. The car ride was silent but wasn't uncomfortable and I liked that. "Can you tell me a little about yourself." She turned to look at me. "My names Alison Dilaurentis, I'm 18 I have an older brother Jason-" "Jason Dilaurentis is your brother?" I asked. She looked at me and said "Yeah how do you know him?" I shook my head and said "I've only heard about him." Truth is he's one of the guys I sell drugs to. "She nodded her head.

After we ate I offered to drop her home seeing as its 2am and I'm tired. She directed me to her house and as soon as I reached the driveway I stopped the car she stayed in the car staring at nothing until she turned to me and said "Thanks I had kinda fun tonight." I chuckeld " Well next time we'll have the best". I smirked and she laughed lightly. We stared at each other and I felt myself leaning in to her. She realized my actions and quickly thanked me again and got out the car to the front door. I drove home and layed in bed thinking about the blonde until I fell asleep.


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