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Drabble. Don't hate pls cause I wrote this as quickly as it came to me. Unedited so its probs messy. :/

Parentheses are Lauren's subconscious and the voice of reason (aka me)

Lauren Jauregui is not gay.

She can't be. No. This was clearly a mistake made up by the fans. Camila and her didn't have a thing for each other. They just met. They were friends. She's sixteen years old, dammit. She can't be all nice and touchy with her friend?

(It's how she's been acting with Lucy basically forever.)

Camila encourages her to take it as a joke.

"They're admiring our friendship!" the girl would smile. "I think it's sweet,"

"Don't you think it's weird that they think we're gay?" Lauren would ask her.

"I mean I think everyone is a little gay," Camila giggled.

"I'm not," Lauren assured her. Camila smirked.

"You sure?" she asked, chuckling. "Honestly Lolo, I wouldn't take it personally. Like, I love you, like a sister," Camila smiled wide, referencing their old name that has since been changed. She leaned in to hug Lauren, who hugged her back.

"Besides, I'm like 99.8% sure I'm straight," Camila added.

Lauren pulled back. "And the other .2%?"

"Selena Gomez,"

Lauren couldn't help but laugh. Camila always knew how to make her laugh; it's one of the reasons she loves their friendship.

The thing she said that day always sat in the back of Lauren's mind.

I think everyone is a little gay.

Lauren wasn't.

No, she couldn't be.


Keaton is sweet. Keaton is cute. And although he didn't buy her a polaroid or iPod Touch or a $50 iTunes gift card like her last boyfriend Paul, the butterflies are still there. He gets the music thing, like her, and all of her friends on the X Factor like him. What more could she want?


She desperately wants Lucy to approve of him, although she doesn't exactly understand why. Lucy was close to Paul (to some extent), but Lauren wants Lucy to like Keaton. She needs her to.

So when Lucy texts Lauren saying she thinks the guys from Emblem3 seem like dicks, Lauren doesn't tell her about Keaton. She can't.

But Vero does for her.

Lucy, of course, is happy for her. She apologizes profusely about what she said prior to finding out, saying that she was only talking about the vibe she was getting from them, but that she doesn't know anything because she doesn't know them personally. And Lauren's happy. Lucy likes her boyfriend (not really, she just said that maybe he's not a dick if Lauren likes him), and the smile she gets from her over FaceTime is enough to make Lauren's heart flutter until she goes to bed.

It's because Lucy is her best friend, right?



During the X Factor, Lauren notices a change with Lucy. At first, she thought (hoped) that it was because of Keaton. But that wasn't it.

It was Camila.

That didn't sit well with Lauren. Camila was her friend; practically her sister. Lucy shouldn't get so worked up about her friend. She'd like to think that she treats Camila and Lucy equally, as both were important to her.

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