I: Wynn

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Disclaimer: We do not, and never will own the rights to any familiar characters or original Harry Potter world ideas. They belong respectively to the original author, J.K. Rowling.


2 September 2011
Highlands of Scotland
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I felt my lips tugging down in an uncharacteristic frown as furrows appeared between my eyebrows. Who peed in her pumpkin pasties? "Ooh, harsh. Do you kiss your mum with that mouth?" I teased, a quirky smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

The glare she shot me shot ice all the way to my soul. "I've never met my mother," she bit out angrily before turning forwards again. Biting my lip, I gazed at her, trying to figure the girl out. I'd never met such a prickly individual, especially in our age group. Sure, she was a Slytherin, but she seemed extremely bitter, even more so than pitch black coffee.

I turned to face the front, stroking my pet snake Ryuu absently as I tried to think of what to do. After about a minute or two, I finally turned to face her. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. How about we start over. I'm Wynn Sudrach, 3rd year Hufflepuff and the proud son of a witch and a muggle. And this handsome fellow is Ryuu, my Mexican Black Kingsnake." I said, holding up my wrist which the small black snake had curled around. "And you are?" I asked, sticking my snake-free hand out in greeting as a cock-eyed grin slid across my mouth.

The delicate brunette let out a frustrated sigh before turning to me. "Circe Rosier, Pureblood, 3rd year Slytherin. This is Eris," she said, stroking the small, black cat on her lap. My smile grew as she placed her small hand in mine, my warm hands contrasting the coolness of her grip.

"Lovely to meet you Circe! I'm so glad you decided to be my Herbology partner today!"

"Oi, I thought I was your partner!" my best friend, Teddy, protested next to me, obviously trying to get out of being stuck with Circe's handsy friend. I cringed in sympathy as the Slytherin threaded her fingers through Teddy's now brown hair. She must have commented on his current favorite shade, white, prompting him to try and hide it from the crazy girl. In all honesty though, I think it made her even more attracted to him and his "party tricks" as she was currently calling his metamorphogus skills.

"Sorry, Lupin, but I'm making friends, just like you are!" I winked cheekily at him before turning back to Circe, smirking as Teddy eyed me enviously. In all honesty, I might have been willing to trade him. I'd take overly touchy feely to stone cold any day of the week. Something was intriguing about Circe though, and I fully intended to find out why she was so angry.

I turned to speak with her again, but Professor Longbottom quickly chastised me for interrupting just as he was about to start today's lecture. I cheerfully apologized before whipping out my quill and furiously scribbling notes down on my parchment. Circe sat beside me gracefully, back perfectly straight, cursive handwriting spilling daintily over her paper. Watching her out of the corner of my eye, I realized she was almost too perfect, like a little ornamental doll poised perfectly on a stand. A twinge of pain went through my heart and I decided right then that I would make this frozen girl laugh, even if it took all the way until my seventh year.

After the lecture, which I was all too willing to fill with entertaining comments in an attempt to pull a smile to Circe's lips (I failed), we were given five minutes of free time to study or talk quietly before class ended. When we were finally dismissed, I tried to catch Circe before she and her friend Liera left the room, but my plan was foiled when Professor Longbottom called me up to the front and asked to speak with me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I walked up to his desk.

"You wanted to see me, Professor?"

"Yes, Wynn, I wanted to speak with you about your behavior in class today. I know you're very skilled in herbology, one of the best in the class actually as is Ms. Rosier, but the comments you were making to her were very distracting to both her and the other students, I'm afraid. I know you didn't mean any harm, but in the future, please keep the flirtations outside of class."

"Professor, I wasn't flirting with Circe. I just wanted to see if I could make her smile. She so stiff, like a doll," I explained, hoping he'd understand my actions.

"Regardless of your intentions, I would ask that you please refrain from disrupting class in the future. You can use your break periods to try and entertain Ms. Rosier. I'll let you off with a warning this time, but in the future, I expect class time to be used for learning."

"Yes, Professor Longbottom," I said seriously. I was dismissed after that and quickly hurried off to transfiguration, hoping I wasn't late. When I got there, I frowned when I saw Circe seated in her normal spot with Liera Goyle by her side. I sank into my seat next to Teddy, briefly explaining why I was later than usual before I turned my attention to the front. My mind wasn't focused on transfiguration, however. Instead, it ran wild with plans of how to bring a smile to stone cold face of Ms. Circe Rosier. 


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