Kye's POV
To be or not to be? That is the question to which all of us use nonchalantly, that is losing meaning everyday. The real question is, 'if you could be any thing what would you be?' People dream of having telekinesis, moving objects with their minds, some dream of busting out a set of wings and soaring through the sky. If I had a choice I'd wish to be 'normal.'
I'm not normal. I kinda have a set of big black wings sticking out from my back. I wasn't born like this I was born normal, however a fortnight after i was born I was diagnosed with grade 2 spinal cancer that left me in a condition of life or death. Being a baby I had no say in the matter all I remember is a that man walked up to my cot and looked at me with complete adoration. I felt safe with him around like nothing could harm me in his presence but that all changed after he scowled at me and turned on my mother and started yelling at her to make her the decision. "Yes" she whispered like a ghost "pardon?" the tallest doctor asked hesitantly sensing her rage "YES" she screamed throwing her arms out exasperated " you are a fricking doctor get yourself some fricking hearing aides and save my baby" she fumed her voice teeming with hate " just do what you have to do" she sighed head in her hands the loathe for the man who was unintentionally killing her baby weighing her down.
* * *
Mothers POV
Shaking my head in disbelief I get up from my rickety chair and try to walk over to the cot but I only get about 3 steps before I'm pushed back by two big buff men with huge muscles. Through the kicking and screaming racket, I heard a tiny whimper of a baby, realisation hit like bomb to the head. I had to do everything in my power to save him and with the men turned away from me I knew what I had to do. While surveying the area a slither of light catches my eye I turn and realise it is... a blade!! My moment of joy turns into deep annoyance when I spot where it is, sticking out of the back pocket of the closest guard, why did it have to be in his pocket? Couldn't it have been just laying on the floor or something? But no, life makes me do things I hate. Closing my eyes I wonder if this is such a good idea, clearing my mind I tap into the most life threatening image in my mind and go zombie.