just don't kill me

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Ever since I was a little girl you always told me you didn't like me.
Why would you say that. You try to kill me. Mom try try lock you in your room the bathroom the basement in a metal hospitals.

You heated me. And you never told me why. And you said you wanted to kill me. Mom and dad put you in a mental hospitals think it with work but did it no. They try everything they could think of. But nothing worked. Nothing help . only you need was help. Why would you say you want to kill your little sister for . oh that's right you never wanted one. Because you think I'm not going to follow the family name. You didn't think I make a good Queen. You just want to kill me. Why would you do all that for even to your little sister. It was about 5years later the day I because Queen of Queensland. But there was one person who was not there my brother who was 37 when  I got crowd. Because he kill himself. He didn't won't to we me be crowd. From that day forward I always told myself that I have a heart of a warrior. ......... To be continued

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