Chapter 10

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Going back to the old trapped life, I didn't want to be the bait of the plan.

"No," Ethan spoke.

"Well who else is going to the base, they clearly spot us, she's the only one who doesn't look suspicious."

"Let me talk to her, and I'll give you a call after."

Ethan got up from the seat and I was just stunned, frighten of what the people would do to me, if I do agree to go.  He grabbed my hand, and we walked out of Jerry's. I just sat in the car without saying a word. The drive back home was awkward and dead silent. We reached to my house, once I opened the front door, I sat on the couch.

"Are you really going to keep going with this silent shit?"

"What do you except from me, you came back into my life, I thought I could really help you, but I just can't go back, I don't care if its for the plan, I'm not going back to the life again."

"Tammy, I just don't know what else I can do, I won't let nobody touch you or hurt you."

"How am I suppose to feel safe?"

"Because, I'll keep watch."

I do love Ethan, but I'm afraid, afraid of not living. I didn't say anything else, my eyes were glued to the window and staring at the moon. I heard footsteps coming close to me. I looked up at Ethan, he put his hand on my cheek. I started to cry from thinking too much.

"I hate to see you cry, I love you."

"I love you, too." I whispered. I kept sobbing, Ethan tried to comfort me, but I couldn't keep all the emotions bottled up.

"Tammy, go lay down, I'll be up there soon." I nodded and walked upstairs. I laid in bed, and went to bed once my head hit the pillow. Sleeping through everything, then all of sudden I woke up hearing Ethan on the phone.

"No, Jerry, I just can't send her in, she's been through enough, and the pain she's going through was mostly caused by me."

"If I have to go in myself, I will, I don't want to force Tammy into something she doesn't want to do, I'll rather die for this, then letting her get hurt."

Then Ethan got silent, I was in bed listening him. The door opened, I quickly closed my eyes. He got into bed and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't let Ethan get hurt, I might sound dumb, I once lost this kid, I aint gonna lose him again. I stayed awake till I knew he was asleep, I turned my head and saw Ethan was dead asleep. I got up very carefully and packed all the stuff I needed. I grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote down a letter.

Dear Ethan,

Please don't blow my cover by looking for me, I'm doing this for you, I couldn't let you die from doing this plan. I lost you once, I'm not going to lose you again. I know what I'm going to do, I will be in contact with you guys if I get the chance. I truly deeply love you, I have never felt something so real, you are the only person that ever changed my life and I pray that I don't ever lose that connection that I have with you. If I don't make it, please don't wait for me, just get back your power, and find someone who will love you like I do. I love you, Ethan Grant Dolan.

                                                                                                                     Love Tammy.

I went over and kissed Ethan on the cheek, I left the letter on the counter. I called a cab and while I waited, I gave Jerry a call.


"Hey, its me Tammy, where is the gang members at."

"ummm.... I'll send the directions, are you sure you want to do?"

"Yes, just send me the gosh damn directions."

"Okay, calm."

"Bye." I hung up as he sent me the messege. The member usually hang out at Central Park, I just wait till they see me, so they can "kidnapp," me. The cab was taking long, my heart kept beating, I just hope Ethan sees the letter. Finally I made it, I carried my stuff and walked to the park. It was very dark out, I felt like I was in a horror movie, because how creepy it was. I was waling on the trail, and then I spotted men hanging round the swing sets. Luckly they look like they were un-armed. I kept following the trail, the men spotted me, one of them whistled.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing here, alone?" I just kept walking and try to ignore them.

"Oh, pretty girl doesn't know how to talk." I speed up my pace, and they were following, they were close, I could feel there breath. Then I started to panic, so I started running. The men were running after me, till they finally caught up to me. One men grabbed me, and pinned me up the wall. They put a black bag over my head and tied my hands. I was getting directed to a car, because I can hear it. The drive wasn't very long, one member kept touching my thigh, so I stepped on his foot. He groaned in pain, then hit me in the back of the head, I got knocked out. Once I woke up, I was in a room, it was dark, and scary. Nobody was there, just me handcuffed to a pipe. Then I heard footsteps, then the door swang open, there was two bodyguards, then came the boss who took Ethan's gang. Once I got a glisp of him, I couldn't believe who it was. How could someone be so nice, but be so evil, he took steps close to me, he bent down to me. He put his hand on my cheek, and finally spoke.


Author Notes

Its been forever since ive been on Wattpad, im really sorry for not working on this story, dealing with school (great excuse) WELL ITS A NEW YEAR, SO NEW ME LOL

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