5.On The Low ※ Decorating Is Not A Hobby

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I remember like it was yesterday
First kiss and I knew you changed the game
You have me, exactly, well you want it,
And I'm on it
And I ain't ever gonna let you get away

Holdin' hands never made me feel this way
So special, boy it's your, your smile
We so in love

|The next few days|


I was so happy to find out I was having identical twin girls. I couldn't wait to spoil them, but they weren't going to be spoiled rotten. I had seen too many spoiled rotten girls at each of the private schools I attended growing up. Each one of them thought they were better than everyone else simply because their daddies had money. It took everything within me not to slap the shit out of them.

I also knew that my girls were going to be loved beyond belief. While I had strived for my father's attention growing up, and he bought me everything I had ever wanted, I knew that wasn't love. I never realized what love truly was until I met John. His family radiated love. Carol was the kindest person I'd ever met, and John Sr, was genuinely interested in what I had to say to him, and took time out of his own busy schedule to help me, and his future grandbabies.

Once the excitement from the gender reveal quieted down, I approached Carol about ideas for the nursery. I knew exactly where to find her early one morning, in the garden, meditating as she did every morning.

"Carol? I hope I'm not interrupting too much, but if you have a few minutes, I'd love to talk with you." I said.

"Alex, dear, I always have time for you." Carol said.

My heart melted with each word. My father was always abrupt with his time. If I had interrupted him like I had Carol, I would have been sent to my room and grounded for a few days. Then, to try and console me, when my punishment was up, there would be a new present waiting for me which is why I was always more closer with my mom and her family. I was so happy to have found true love and family with John.

Carol then rolled up her yoga mat, and ushered me to the chairs overlooking the garden.

"So, Alex, what is it that you wished to discuss?" She asked.

"Well, Carol, I know you're an extremely busy interior designer, but would you be willing to help out with the nursery for the girls?" I asked.

Carol squealed, something I didn't know that a grandmother of nine would do.

"Of course I would, Alex. Those other projects have flexible timelines. They said it wasn't a rush, don't worry! Do you have any ideas yet?" She asked.

"Well, I was thinking that, if it was alright with you, and possible, that we could have two nurseries. One here at your house while I'm staying with you, and one at John's home." I said.

"I'll have to think about it, and discuss it with John, but I am certain that we can work it out. Do you have a theme in mind?" She asked.

"Well, I was thinking about a Lion King theme for this house, and an Frozen theme for John's house." I said. Carol smiled.

"Sounds perfect." She said.

We continued talking for what seemed like hours, but Carol made sure that I had some food to eat, as well as some pink lemonade to drink. After we talked, I decided to take a short nap in the family room. Carol agreed, and said that, while I took a nap, she'd talk with John. I almost wanted to say "Fuck the nap", but the babies reminded me of how tired I was.

When I awoke two hours later, Carol was in the family room with me, sketching furiously. After using the restroom, washing my hands, and brushing my teeth, I joined Carol on the couch.

"What are you doing, Carol?" I asked.

"Well, Alex, dear, I am sketching out how I want your nurseries to look. I talked with John, who told me that you were to have 'free reign' over any and all decisions regarding the nursery at both your home, and mine. We also discussed how we could get the painters to come to your home without realizing where they were. He said that he could move the furniture in, no problem, but knew he couldn't paint worth a damn, so he wanted help." She said.

"How are you going to paint the house without them realizing where they are? Is that even possible?" I asked.

"I've only had to do it once before, when I was hired to help out a certain celebrity. They didn't want anyone finding out where they lived, besides me, of course, so we had to pay the painters extra, blindfold them before leaving the city, take their blindfolds off when they arrived at the home, let them work, and when they had finished for the day, blindfold them again before transporting them back to the city. We did this every day until the work was completed, which took about a week. But, the painters never knew where they worked, and with the money they were paid, they said they didn't care. I feel like this may be the best option, just to keep you safe." She said.

"That sounds like a great idea, Carol, but what about when the painters need to come to your home and paint the Lion King nursery?" I asked.

"That's easy, Alex. I'll just have you either stay in the guest home for that amount of time, or you can go visit Brie or Maryse during that time. They'll never know you're here." She said.

"Oh, Carol, you are so wonderful. I cannot thank you enough for all that you're doing for me and your granddaughters."I said. I began to tear up; the simplest of things set me off these days.

"Anything for my grandbabies, and my future daughter-in-law, and, yes, before you say anything, I know you and John will get married one day. I can see it in the way you two look at each other. You're perfect for one another." She said giving me a hug.

I couldn't help but wonder if she was right.

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