6. On The Low ※ Paige Turner

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Preparing a nursery may be a parents most joyful and meaningful decorating project ever. Filled with visions of the newborn swathed in soft blankets and tucked in a crib with a rocker at the ready, its easy to feel excited-and to be completely overwhelmed.

|Two months later|

She stopped by the dark oak brown crib and leaned over to smooth out the yellow and light purple blankets. Under Carol's advice, they had decided that the main theme would be yellow, a simple gender neutral color. At first Alex did not like it at all, red was a baby color right? But now she was glad that Carol had forced her in to yellow. It made everything look soft and comfy.

"Alex..." A half asleep voice spoke out making Alex jerk and look over. She smiled lightly faced with a just out of bed John. 

His eyes were half closed and fuzzed over, but Alex thought they still sparkled anyways.

"Alex, come back to bed." John hummed leaning against the door way. Alex sighed and just looked back down to fuss with the crib blankets more.

John sighed and walked over to lean on her shoulder and look down at the pillows. After a moment he reached out and pulled Alex's hand away gently and smoothed the bed out again and pulled her away.

"Wait a second. Let me just..." Alex sighed and pulled away carefully glad when John just let her go. Alex walked over to the changing table and started to mess with the drawers to make sure they had everything. When she looked back up she saw that John rested carefully in the rocking chair that was placed carefully in the corner by a small bookshelf, she smiled lightly.

"It's just... It's so close you know?" Alex said which John just smiled at Alex's excited tone.

"Yes I know." He replied tiredly and just went quiet to let Alex fuss.

But seeing her so excited over a baby was frankly adorable and rather attractive.

And frankly John had been almost more excited than Alex was when he found out there was going to be babies in this house.

John had a soft spot for babies, and he could not wait to see their children and roll around with the two of them on the large master bed all day for months on end until the kids learned to walk.

When John snapped out of it, he found his eyes had closed and that Alex was back at the crib. Pretending that he had nodded off he watched Alex carefully as she picked up the pillow and watched it for a second. A smile shot on to the his face as he watched Alex kiss the pillow softly and hug it lightly before setting it back down.

He moved a bit with a yawn and got up going over to hug Alex around the waist.

"Come back to bed with me." He ordered softly knowing that Alex would follow, he planted a kiss to the back of her neck sleepily for good measure anyway. Alex just smiled and nodded and let John lead her back to the bed.


I was in my room getting ready to head out for brunch with the girls. I was putting on the finishing touches. My red matte lipstick.

I slipped on Saint Michael heels and grabbed my Michael kors handbag. I headed outside and got into my Range Rover.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the Savoy Cafe. I got out my car and handed the keys to a valet. Walking inside the cafe I greeted the girls so happy to see them. I sat in a seat between Paige and Brie.

"What I'm about to tell you is so shocking that Brie doesn't even know." Paige said.

"What is it?" Brie asked.

"Paige, what's going on?" I asked.

"Nikki is pregnant and gonna marry Dolph." Paige blurted. 

"Wow, that's not shocking she cheated on John with him." I replied. 

"You serious?" She asked. 

"Yeah." I told her. 

"I can't believe Nicole wouldn't tell me this." Brie said. 

"I can, she wants all the attention." I replied. 

"Wow, that's crazy." Brie said.

I couldn't believe that Nikki was having a baby and still trying to start problems with me when she could be enjoying a wonderful experience of being pregnant and engaged.

"I'm not surprised. I mean when Dolph had that private talk with her, I knew it was going to lead to something like this." Paige said.

"Oh they did?" I asked. 

"yeah then she went and told John and about Dolph's advancements." Brie replied. 

"John, is honest with me and I'm honest with him as well." I said. 

"I'm definitely going to have to talk to Nikki." Brie said.

On the Low » John CenaWhere stories live. Discover now