Plain Jane

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"OMG! Do you see her?"

"I know right? That sweater is just too lame."

"Really cats? It looks like it belonged to her grandma."

"Oh come on girls, she’s just expressing herself. She wants to become like the crazy cat lady when she grows up." The last cheerleader said, her hand gliding through her soft waves of blond hair. And even when she did that, not a single hair fell out of place.

Jane was, after all, miss perfect.

At her not so funny statement, they all burst out laughing. And when I say all I mean all.

The jocks, surrounding the stupid cheerleaders, the wannabe’s just because the cheerleaders are laughing, the artists, because they came up with some genius new idea (cat’s probably)the geeks, because all the poplars are laughing, the nerds, because the geeks are laughing, the lunch ladies because they saw everybody laughing, etc, etc.

Only a few weren’t laughing, the sad people, I call them sad, cause, well they always look sad, and the poor unfortunate souls; the no one’s. No group, no friends. Not particularly pretty, smart or athletic. The weirdoes, maybe. The laughingstocks.

The no one’s. It fits them.

Tessa, trinity and Jane the top of the school. All cheerleaders, all “beautiful.” That is if you’re into fake, bitchy, and mainstream.

They say what is in, and what is out. They say if you are in or out. If you’re in, you’re lucky, they won’t bother you.

Out? Forget any chance on popularity.

I guess it’s true. People are like a bunch of animals. Follow the leader, and if the most important group doesn’t accept you? Search for a new one. Together you’re strong, together they won’t bother you. Or at least a whole lot less.

You really, really don’t want to be alone here.

You see the nerds over there? Reading their books, making homework even when it’s lunch break? The “queen” does sometimes decide to laugh at them or to take away their books, but when that happens, they help each other. They’re not afraid; when something happens to them their group will safe them.

Like animals.

The queen be gets bored and walks away. Simple, easy and it works.

Same for all the other groups, if you don’t cry, don’t scream, get angry or blush a crimson red, she gets bored and walks away.

Yeah, anger won’t help either. Sure you can outwit them, with ease probably. They aren’t the smartest around here. Sure you can throw your food on her perfect outfit, sure you can embarrass them.

If you want to be hurt, you do that, if you want to live a miserable school life you do that, if you don’t care about your friends, you do those things. If you do care? You don’t.

And as soon as you did those things, well it didn’t really matter they will still be as popular as they always were, or unpopular, depending on in which group you are.

So no anger won’t help, though I admire the persons who tried. But I pity them for failing.

Cause they all failed, except one. Arianna Greeneye.

The first one to ever insult the “la queen”, As Jane is called, and get away with it. Not a scratch. Yeah  she’s special.  She’s Jane’s sister.

I guess you could say I admire her. Her short red hair, and ripped up jeans, her leather jacket and her fierce posture. She’s always herself, and she doesn’t even need make-up expensive and clothes to be popular, or secretly popular.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2012 ⏰

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