Why me? Why now?

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Why am I all of a suddenly thinking about Jack? I mean yeah when I was in the 7th grade I had the biggest crush on him. Like all I did that year was plan our wedding. That seems weird, but that's what literally happened. I mean Jack is pretty attractive. Those big strong arms, his abs, oh his curly messy hair. Damn. Wait. No! Get out of my head! I don't want to think about Jack Lucas Corbin like that!
It has been a few days since I last saw Jack. Well, I mean he has been hanging with Lilly a lot. It gets disgusting. It's rough being the only single one out of my friend group. I just sit there and feel sad watching them make out, or do cute things together. Me, I just sit there staring at a tv, or a wall, or just my phone. I wish I could have a boyfriend. I wish Jack was single. Wait no, why the fuck? God this sucks! I shouldn't think like that! Ew no. Ok Morgan just think about all the bad things Jack has done. Oh I know something! Ok his farts smell really really bad. Um. "Morgan are you in here?" I heard a voice call out. "Yeah doors open," I replied. Out of nowhere out came my mother. "What's up mom?" I asked as I got up from my bed. "I was just wondering if Jack was going to come back over. I mean that boy is like a kid of mine," she replied. When she first said Jack, my heart instantly started to race. Oh my gosh I need to stop!! "He's been busy doing other things. Do you want me to text him to come over?" I asked while giggling. "Can you please? I'm sorry I just get so happy when he comes over because then it feels like the future when you guys might get married," mom answered with a goofy smile. "Mom no! I'm not going to marry him! That's gross!" I replied. "Why is your face all red?" She replied giggling. She took a minute then responded, "oh my goodness, you like him don't you? I can just see it now, you and him getting married and having lots of kids. That will be great!" I took a deep sigh. "Mom no! Not to mean or anything, but can you please go? I'll text him to come over," I replied while pushing her out the door. I just heard her laughing while leaving. Do I really like Jack? Oh shit I think I do!

"What up Morgs!" I heard my best friend say. "N-Nothing. You?" I replied feeling awkward. Come on Morgan this your best friend! Why are you all of a suddenly getting awkward around your best friend? "Am I allowed to spend the night?" Jack asked while walking into my room. "Yeah you can," I replied getting excited. I watched the boy jump onto my bed, and laid back. I looked down and saw his shirt was up a little. Oh damn I just want to tear that shirt off of him. Morgan oh my gosh!
Later on that night after dinner, Jack and I were sitting on my bed talking about random crap. "Hey Morgan I think I want to break up with lily," Jack told me silently. YES YES OH MY FUCKING GOSH YES! FINALLY HE'S GOING TO BREAK UP WITH HER! "Oh whys that?" I asked trying to stay cool. "She's a major bitch, but she all she wants to do is fuck but I don't want to," he replied. Jack has came to conclusion in the past about how he doesn't want to have sex until he found the right girl to lose his virginity to. I'm hoping its me. Okay Morgan that's a little bit too far there. "Also she keeps yelling at me because she thinks I like you even though I don't, but she just yells at me for us being that close!" He explained. I slowly nodded my head. What if Jack did like me? Oh my gosh that would be the greatest day of my life! I gave Jack a big hug. "Hold on I got something that could possibly help you. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed ice cream out of the fridge and two spoon. I then ran back up stairs and tossed the spoon at him. Once when he realized what I was doing, he instantly got happy. "Morgan you really know how to make someone happy," Jack told me as he laid down with his head on my lap as I had to feed him his ice cream.
Later on that night Jack broke up with his bitchy girlfriend. HE IS FINALLY SINGLE!!!! "Hey Morgan can I spend the night? I don't feel like going home and feeling alone," Jack asked with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Yeah you are always allowed to spend the night," I told the boy while I bushed his hair out of his face. He instantly started to smile. "Thank you Morgan!" He said happily as he gave me a big hug. He got up took off his shirt and pants because that's what he always does. Oh my lanta he is fucking hot. He got in my bed and passed out. Finally the boy I like is single, in my room sleeping, and is shirtless!! Man I love life. I got into my pjs and cuddled into my blankets with my best friend.

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