The day after is always awkword

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All of a sudden I felt two hands go back on my waist. He pressed his half naked body up against me. His perfect lips kissed down my neck. He turned me around and started to kiss me. Our lips went perfectly together. He pushed me against the wall continually making out with me. He took off my shirt, and admired my body. I pushed him off of me, and started walking to my bed. Jack closed the door behind him. Let's just say we both had the time of our lives.....
Jack's sweaty body rolled off of mine. We were both out of breath. Jack gave me a kiss on my forehead. I got up to put on some underwear, and one of his shirts. I tossed him so boxers. "What you didn't want to look at the thing that gave you the best night of your life?" Jack asked while laughing. I giggled but rolled my eyes. I got back into my bed with him. Holy fuck, I just had sex with my best friend! I looked at my clock and saw it was almost 10. "Jack get the hell up! My mom is coming home soon. I don't think she wants to see you in your boxers with both of our hairs a mess. Also she doesn't want to see my bed like that!" I yelled at the boy. I rolled him off of the blankets, and started to clean.
10 o'clock rolled around, and the house was cleaned. I put my hair in a messy bun, and threw on a pair of shorts. I fixed Jacks hair, and he got dressed. Damn he is just so hot! Jack and I sat on the couch, and turned on some spongebob. We both heard the door open, and slam shut. "Hey Morgan I'm home!" Mom sang through out the house. She walked into the living room, and saw Jack and I on the couch. "Did you guys have dinner?" Mom asked when she walked to the kitchen. "We found the food you left behind for us," Jack announced to my mother. She nodded her head. "Okay. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight kids, don't stay up too late," mom told us. She walked upstairs, and we heard the door shut. Jack instantly started to kiss my neck. A moan came out of my mouth when he hit my sweet spot. His soft lips found mine. We slowly started to kiss. His hand went up to my cheek, then into my hair. His tongue licked the bottom of my lip. I separated my lips, and his tongue instantly went right into my mouth. His hands then started to roam around my body. I stopped the kissing to get up. I started to walk up the stairs to my room with Jack following me. Jack picked me up, and brought me to my room.
    He threw me onto my bed. Jack took off my shirt, and started to kiss down my chest. His hands instantly went to my boobs. Jack looked up at me, and winked at me. Two hands went behind and unhooked my bra. Jack kissed down my body. His soft lips went down my bare skin, down to my shorts. His perfect hazel eyes looked up at me. He pulled down my shorts. I kicked it off of my bed. He started to rub me through my panties. "Damn baby girl," Jack said while kissing my thighs. He kissed up to my wet core. He kissed me through my panties. He pulled my panties off of me. Jack instantly put a finger in me. I instantly started to moan from the instant pleasure. "That's right baby girl moan for me," Jack told me while fingering me........
  After he did that to me, I did things to him. He grabbed a condom out of his wallet. I put it on him. "Are you sure you want to this Morgan?" Jack asked me very concerned. "I want this Jack. We did this earlier," I told the boy. "But Morgan we didn't last long because you got scared," Jack explained with sadness in his eyes. "Jack I'm really this time," I replied to the boy who was sitting above me. He gave me a smile. "If I hurt you,let me know okay?" Jack told me. He gave me kiss on my head. He took a deep breath, aligned himself and he put himself in me. He started off slow. We both started to moan. We were going for awhile. "Jack faster," I moaned out to him. He started to pick up the pace. I gave him a kiss. We had to be quiet so then my mom wouldn't hear. Jacks thrust we going faster and harder. He leaned down to kiss me. We are both moaning, and breathing really heavy. "Jack I'm about to cum," I moaned out to the boy. He still kept going. I felt the walls in me clenched around him. He did two more thrust into me, and then rolled off of me. He threw the covers on us. He gave me a long kiss and winked at me. I fell asleep from exhaustion.
I woke up to a naked Jack grabbing his clothes. "You leaving me?" I asked while giggling. His head shot up when I said that. He started to giggle a bit. "I'm just going to shower babe," Jack explained while walking over to me. He gave me a kiss on the lips. Damn he is so sexy. I put on my shirt and panties. I started to dig around to find my clothes for school. Once when I found my clothes, I walked to the bathroom. Jack was taking forever in my bathroom so I went into the guest bathroom, and showered. After I got done I dried my hair. I put it up in a messy ponytail. I walked out of the guest bathroom, then down to the kitchen. I saw my mom and Jack sitting around the table. My sister Mary walked into the house with my niece in her arms. "Hey mom!" Mary greeted to my mother. "Hey sweetie! Aw there's my cute granddaughter!" My mom said with excitement. "Hi grandma!" Summer said happily. Summer was put down, and she started to run throughout the house. "Hey kiddo!" Jack said while messing up Summers hair. Summer gave Jack the biggest hug ever. "Hi uncle Jack!" Summer said. Oh fuck. Jack looked at me weird, then back down to Summer. I took Summer out of his arms, and took her to the living room. "Summer you do know he isn't your uncle right?" I asked the cute 4 year old. "I know that! I overheard you and mommy talking about how you love him. You made it seem like he was my uncle," Summer said thinking that Jack and I were married. "Summer that's not how it works," I explained to the girl. "I want him as my uncle. I like him!" Summer said with a little pouty face. I gave her a kiss on the head, turned on the tv to cartoons, and walked back into the kitchen. Jack gave me a weird look. He must be still confused. "So how is "uncle" Jack doing?" Mary asked while giggling. "I'm so confused! How am I her uncle? I'm not married to Morgan!" Jack replied confused. Mom and Mary laughed. "Sweetie you are around every time Summer is here. She just thinks of you like an uncle. I mean she only has one aunt," mom explained to him. He gave her a confused look, but then shrugged it all off. I wish he was my husband. I mean he is so perfect. I looked up at the clock. Holy shit I still have school! "Jack school!" I yelled to the boy. We both grabbed our bags, and ran to the school. It's easy where I live because it's so close to the school. We got to the school just in time. We said goodbye to each other, and walked to our lockers. "I am so surprised that you don't get annoyed by Jack for how much he is over at your house," I heard a girl say. I turned around and saw it was Jordan. "I don't get annoyed, but we did do something yesterday. Twice actually," I told my best friend. "Girl tell me all!" Jordan replied with excitement. "Well Jack and I had sex twice. Oh my gosh it was the best thing ever!" I explained to her. "Are you guys together now?" Jordan asked. "I mean that's why he really broke up with Lilly," Jordan added. Jack still liked me? "We aren't together, but I didn't know he liked me," I told my best friend. "Oh my gosh it is so obvious that he does! He has had a huge crush on you since you guys were little," Jordan explained to me. I was about to say something until I got cut off by Jordan's girlfriend Page. "Hey babe!" Page greeted to Jordan. They kissed. They are so adorable. Page and Jordan has been dating for a year now. Page did go to another school while dating Jordan, but her family moved into my town. So now they get to see each other every day, and they are so damn cute together. I decided to leave the two alone, and walked over to Jack. I saw he was talking to some of his friends from football. I saw some random girl walk up to Jack, and started to flirt hard core with him. She flicked her hair. She leaned up to kiss him. No no no! Not her!

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