Chapter 1: News

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"You called me?" Yuuri walked into his father's office.

"Ah, yes." His father looked up, smiling as always. "I wanted to tell you that we will be having guests coming in a few days."

"Who might that be?"

"King Nikiforov and his son."

"Oh...and what would you like me to do?"

"I want you to distract the prince however you might like. They will be staying for awhile."

Yuuri chuckled, "You make that sound like a hassle."

"From what I have heard, it is." His father gave a mischievous smile making Yuuri quite nervous.

"Well, I won't let you down." His nervousness showing in his voice.



The cold morning air stung Yuuri lightly as he stepped outside. Though thin his coat was still warm and he loved the chilly air. It was almost a shame that spring was coming along. The layer of snow was growing thinner by the minute, dripping from all the plants that managed to stay alive.

It was still morning, the sun still making its way up the sky. It was the perfect day for his favorite pastime. Cold but the weather was still on his side.

He walked through the forest to his favorite secret place. He had discovered it years ago, somehow, no one knew about it. The fact that it was so secluded only made it more desirable for him. He really didn't want anyone to find out. It was like his personal sanctuary, a paradise he could escape to.

He arrived to what was once a small lake frozen over by the cold winter. The ice was thinning but still thick enough that he wouldn't fall in. Sounds of the wilderness filled the air and yet everything lie still and peaceful.

He smiled and made his way to the edge. He sat on a boulder right next to the ice to switch his shoes. Once ready, with the skates tied tightly enough, he stepped on the ice with ease. His smiled widened as he glided around to test the sturdiness of the ice. Luckily, it hadn't melted much since the last time he had been there.

Perfect! Today would be another wonderful day to spend out on the ice. There was really nothing he would have loved more.


Yuuri had been smiling when he walked back into the castle. He had a wonderful time in his little paradise.

Then he walked inside.

"Oh! There he is, Yuuri!" His father called him as he tried to sneak past. He froze in place, turning around slowly.


"It seems that our guests arrived early."

"Oh." Then he noticed that standing right next to his father was another man, a king. Though the image of the prince froze him. Prince Victor was almost angel like and his smile was shining like a thousand suns. It was blinding but he just couldn't move.

"Well, you can introduce yourself to the prince while I go discuss in private with King Nikiforov here." His father snapped him out of his trance.


"Good luck!" Both kings then walked away.

"What did he mean by good luck?" Victor spoke up looking a bit confused.

"Nothing, really." Yuuri moved his attention back to Victor, an awkward smile slowly building on his face.

"Ah, okay, well...what is there around here that is interesting?"

"There's quite a bit actually-"

"Wonderful! Show me everything!" A big smile and a look of wonder filling up the prince's face. "I love new things!"

"Alright, follow me."

~sneak peak to next chapter~

"What is this room?"

"Oh, that's my room."

"Can I go-"


"I didn't even-"


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