His name is Harry.

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Title: His name is Harry.

Character/Pairing: Louis/harry

Rating: G

Summary: Louis has a crush on the curly haired boy who works in the bakery.

Authors notes: light and fluffy, lots of Larry loving for you guys! I’d just like to say that it’s definitely not my best writing, I tried a different way of writing it than usual and I’m not really sure if it works, so please comment to let me know!! I want all your comments – Negative, good, critical, everything!! xx

Louis hands ran furiously through his hair before setting themselves on the desk and tapping away impatiently. The clock is ticking away, teasing Louis with every little "tick". The time finally comes for a bell to chime at one o'clock, and Louis shoves his belongings into his bag, being careful not to damage his fresh notes from today's lecture. He pushes past a few people in his row to get to the aisle and is glad that the class is far more empty than usual - this means less people to apologize to for accidentally shoving as he hastily runs past them. He races down the stairs of the lecture room and out the thick wooden doors, throwing a "Thanks!" over his shoulder to his teacher. He doesn't pay much attention to the silly antics of the people filing through the hallway as he rushes past and finally makes his way out of the front doors. The bright, warm sun hits his skin and he stops for a while to soak it in. It's not every day that you get a 30 degrees day in London. His sun soaking soon came to a halt as he sees his bus coming just up the road, and he rushes down to the bus stop. After sticking his hand out and waving it around a bit, the bus pulls over for Louis and he climbs aboard eagerly, swiping his bus card before finding a seat in the middle of the peacefully quiet bus.

He stares out the window, taking in every piece of the breathtakingly beautiful city of London - even though he travels the same 8 minute route every day. Before he knows it, the bus arrives at his stop and his hands start to shake. He gulps as he shakily stands up, clutching on to the back of every seat as he makes his way to the front of the bus, nods to the driver and steps off. Every time, every single time, he gets nervous about coming to the bakery. Every time, he thinks maybe he should just stay at the university for lunch. But every time, he never regrets getting on that bus.

Louis exits the bus and stares down the street, his eyes meeting the familiar cream sign, the curvy blue writing etching its way into his mind again. He takes a deep breath, as he slowly sets off in the direction of the shop with the cream sign. Todays the day I'm going to find out his name, Louis tells himself firmly. Finally reaching the little shop, he pauses to admire the blue writing on the door that reads "Curly's bakery". Sighing shakily but happily at the familiar bakery, he steps inside.

Louis' breath hitches as eyes settle on the curly haired boy behind the counter. He's talking cheerfully to a customer, his beautiful dimples moulded into his face. Louis joins the line, standing behind 3 other customers; one blonde girl in a high school uniform, one grey haired old lady who looked lovely in her floral dress, Louis thought, and a tall brunette girl that was being served. Suddenly, Louis feels a bit silly for being there, and he contemplates leaving, but by the time he turns to leave, the brunette customer has stopped talking to Sir Dimples and is walking out, leaving only two more customers between him and curly.

He tries not to stare, but the boy is wearing a beanie today. He's only worn a beanie one other time the Louis can remember, but he wishes that he would wear them more. Louis likes the way it makes his hair flick out the extra little bit. He sighs, shaking his head. How crazy that he has a crush on the boy in the bakery, who he doesn't even know the name of. How crazy that going to the bakery down the road one lunchtime, turned into his daily routine. Louis tries to stare at the boy he likes without the annoyingly happy voice of the blonde teenage girl distracting him, but to no avail. Her flirty voice just makes him want to go up there and punch her. But then Louis feels embarrassed because he's getting all jealous over a boy that's not even his, and is probably as straight as a stick, but then Louis doesn't care. All he wants is to know his name, if not more. The girl giggles and takes her box of yummy things from Beanie Boys hands, and thanks him so many times that Louis wants to vomit. Finally she leaves and Louis sighs with happiness because he was so close to snapping at her. The sweet old lady moves up and discusses with him what type of cupcakes they have today, and Louis' heart skips a beat as he can finally hear the curly haired boys’ sweet voice over the sound of the quiet music and loud oven.

The door chimes behind him and Louis turns around to see a mother just walked in, hand-in-hand with her blonde haired daughter, who Louis guesses would be about 4 years old. He smiles at the little girl and she grins happily at him and Louis feels like he's on top of the world. He feels like he can conquer anything, but the feeling soon fades as the customer in front of him leaves and his stomach is full of butterflies again.

"I-I... I Uh, h-hi," Louis spits out, shuffling forward so he is closer to the counter. A smile plays on the bakery boy’s face and Louis feels his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"Hi," he replies with a smile and Louis try's his best to not faint right there and then. He loves the boys voice, it's as close to perfection as Louis can imagine. The boy smiles even wider, his dimples becoming more prominent on his face and Louis is absolutely speechless.

"Uhh I-I-um...” he blurts out, unable to pinpoint his thoughts. It’s so ridiculous; the sight of the bakery boy makes his heart race 1,000,000 miles per hour. Luckily for Louis, the boy steps in to speak.

"The usual?" he says cheerfully, a tiny bit of cheekiness evident in his voice, and Louis just nods his head wildly. He watches closely as the boy picks up a small white box, crosses over to the display cabinet, and picks out three carrot cupcakes. Louis is almost certain that he was choosing the biggest ones, too. The boy then grabbed a white lid and pushed it onto the top of the box, brushing it neatly before walking back to the till and reconnecting his beautiful green eyes with Louis' bright blue ones.

"That'll be-"

"£3.20" Louis cuts in with a smile, and the curly haired boy laughs, sending Louis weak at the knees. That's another thing he loves about the boy - his laugh. He takes the box from his hands, and passes over the £3.20, his hand brushing past the boys, causing his breath hitching in his throat. He manages a weak smile as the boy finishes putting the money away and looks back up to him. But Louis doesn't want to leave yet.

"I-I'm Louis," he offers out his hand, using all his strength to stop them from shaking. The smile appears on bakery boy’s face as he places his soft hands in Louis' and shakes it. Louis feels his cheeks go red.

"I'm Harry," he replies sweetly.

Harry. His name is Harry.

Has a nice ring to it, Louis thinks, the grin on his face refusing to leave. But he doesn't care, because he finally did it. He finally mustered up the courage to ask the boy’s name, and it's Harry. Harry with the pretty green eyes. Curly haired Harry. Harry the bakery boy. Harry the boy who makes Louis' heart skip a beat - and doesn't even know it.

A small, sad, barely audible sigh escapes Louis lips as Harry stops the handshake, but it was obviously not as quiet as Louis thought because Harry starts to smile even wider, a red flush starting to creep up his neck. Louis…  the name swirled around Harrys head making its permanent mark in his mind and heart.

He's finally done it, Harry think with his heart beating so hard that he's sure Louis can hear it, he's finally told me his name.


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