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Caroline's POV:
In the morning I ran into the bathroom vomiting for no reason. Klaus came in confused." Why are you vomiting is it food poisoning?" Klaus asked." I think I'm pregnant." I said taking my head out of the toilet." What?" Klaus asked furiously.
Elena's POV:
I was so happy that Damon and I were now married! It's going to be great! Then I got a call from Caroline while we were at the water park." Hello.'' I said answering the phone." Elena." She said breathing really fast." What is it Care?" I asked." I'm pregnant. With Klaus's baby." She said." What?" I asked confused. Damon seen me and asked what was going on. I told him on minute so I could keep talking to Caroline." So I woke up and I threw up and I took a pregnancy test and it was positive." Caroline said." Calm down Care." I said." I don't want a baby Elena." She said." I know. Listen I'm at the water park with Damon and Lily I'll call you back when I get home." I said." Okay." She said. Then I hung up." Caroline's pregnant." I said quietly." Oh." Damon said shocked." Is it Klaus's?" Damon asked." Yep." I said. The next morning we woke up and we had to leave. We got all our things packed and made sure Lily had her teddy bear. We were walking to the car and then Lily said." Mommy I dropped Mr bear in the mud." " Okay sweetie mommy will wash it when we get home okay." I said." Okay." She said. When we got home I cleaned her bear and called back Caroline." Hey." I said." I have cramps." Caroline said." I know it's painful but it's worth it." I said." It's a girl and I'm going to name her Chloe." Caroline said." That's great! Her and Lily can play when Chloe's older. But when Chloe's five Lily will be ten." I said." That's okay." Caroline said." Listen I have to go to the doctors right now I'll see you later." Caroline said." Okay." I said. I hung up and walked over to Damon." I'm so tired." I said." Well go to bed I can watch Lily." Damon said." Really?" I asked." Yes." Damon said." Thank you." I said. I kissed him and went and took a nap.

Sorry it's kind of a short story:(

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