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Elena's POV:
I woke up and Damon was gone." I asked walking downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Damon was about to cook pancakes." Can I help?" I asked." Sure." Damon said with a smile. I got on my apron and started to cook. I had pancake batter all over my hands and to play a game I wiped some on Damon." Oh you are so dead." Damon said with a smile. I ran away laughing and he started to chase me around the kitchen. Then he wiped some on my apron." Hugh, how dare you." I said smiling. Then we kissed. Then Lily ran downstairs and said with a smile.'' I want to play!" Then Damon wiped some on Lily's pajamas. She giggled and then we all wiped stuff on each other. I picked up Lily and hugged Damon." I love you both." I said." I love you too." Damon said." I love you too mommy." Lily said. Then Stefan knocked on the door." Hey Stefan." I said." What happened to you?" Katherine asked." Pancake batter." I said." Katherine and I are having a baby." Stefan said with a smile but Katherine looked miserable." That's great!" I said." No Elena it's not great, I'm having a boy." Katherine said with her face turning red." Yay! The first boy baby in the family!" I said with a smile." I wanted a girl if I ever had kids." Katherine said." Well Stefan wanted a boy and maybe if you had another kid then it could be a girl." I said." Yeah but I don't want more kids.'' Katherine said." Well too bad for you." Damon said. I nudged him in the stomach and Katherine sped over to him with her hands around his neck." I am pregnant and that means I have mood swings so why don't you just keep your big mouth shut." Katherine said with I tried to pull her off of him." Are you okay?" I asked." I'm fine." Damon said looking at Katherine." Come on let's go back to making pancakes." I said to Damon. We made the three pancakes and they were delicious. We took Lily to school and then Damon and I sat on the couch and watched a movie that we wanted to watch. Soon after the movie we picked up Lily.

Sorry short chapter:(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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