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Caroline's POV: Nine Months Later
Klaus didn't want to go to the hospital so Klaus cut me open and took the baby out. He gave me some blood for the cut to heal and then everyone came over to see her." Look Lily it's a little baby." Elena said walking in the door. She had red orange hair like Klaus. Greenish blueish eyes like me and a couple other things like me." Guys this is Chloe." I said with a smile." I want to hold her." Elena said." Hi. You're so cute." Elena said with a smile." Hi Lily!" I said." Hi aunt Caroline." Lily said giving me a hug." How are you?" I asked." Good." She said." Good." I said. Elena and Damon played with Chloe while I played with Lily." Bye guys." Elena and Damon said walking out the door.
Elena's POV:
We got home and got Lily ready for her first day of kindergarten. We drove her to school and dropped her off." Bye Lily have a good day." Damon and I said at the same time." But mommy bye daddy." Lily said giving us a kiss on the cheek." Kid is gone at last." Damon said." We can have some alone time now. If you know what I mean." I said with a smile." Perfect." Damon said. When we got home Damon threw me on the bed and ripped my shirt off. We started kissing for a long time. An hour later we were next to each other in bed. I felt the nice cold breeze come from the open window." That hasn't happened in a while." Damon said with a smile." I'm glad it's back." I said smiling. I looked at Damon and kissed him." I love you." I said.'' I love you too.'' Damon said. We got dressed to go pick up Lily from kindergarten and the teacher wanted to talk to us." Your daughter is not really active in the indoor activities." The teacher said." She likes making up her own games that involve the other activities but they're all in one game. And I think that's creative. I really like Lily." " Thanks for telling us we were scared something happened." I said. We got Lily and asked her how her day was. She said she had fun so Damon and I were glad." Lily daddy and I are going to take a shower okay do want to take a bath in the bathtub next to the shower?" I asked." Sure." Lily chirped. Damon and I got in the shower and Lily took a bath. We got out and it was dinner time. Damon helped me cook chicken and mashed potatoes. And after we all went to bed.

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