5. Diablo's Power

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We just walked out, just a tiny bit. It was nicely calm, while it lasted. Then we saw guns blazing and Deadshot was taunting El Diablo.

Boomerang and I were on the floor, facing each other. Our faces were just inches apart. I blushed and smiled, my diamonds showing. He smirked and kissed me. I softly kissed back. "You're quite a quick one. Aren't cha?" I smirked. I loved his raspy chuckle. "And? Problem with that, Viperess?" I shook my head.

I could hear Deadshot and Diablo.

"Where you been, homie?" Deadshot snapped.

"This ain't my fight!" Diablo shouted at him.

"You know what? You don't stand for shit. You ain't about shit!" Deadshot was yelling at him. I could see him getting in Diablo's face.

"Great, he's getting in Diablo's face. This should be great," I said sarcastically. Captain Boomerang and I started army crawling away from the fighting.

"Don't touch me!" Diablo yelled. "Don't touch you? What you gonna do?" Deadshot started touching Diablo's head all over. "Don't touch me!" He shouted again. "I'm touching you! I'm touching you!"

I looked at Boomerang, "Is it me, or do they sound like two ankle bitters fighting over a toy?" That was the first time I heard him actually laugh. "They do."

"Do something! Do something!" Deadshot kept taunting the poor guy. "Don't touch me!" Diablo kept yelling, then looked at him, "You wanna see something?" "Yeah, I wanna see-" Diablo shoved Deadshot out of the way and blew flames from his hands.

It was amazing. It went quiet. No guns were shooting. Just those creatures were dying. We were all in awe.

When he finished, he turned to look at Deadshot. He hadn't done that in such a long time that he was panting.  "I was just trying to get you there. Phil Jackson. We good, right?" Deadshot said, calmly.

Harley popped out of her hiding spot and kissed Diablo's cheek. "I knew you'd come through," she said with a bright smile.

One of the guys blew a hole in the wall, so we could continue walking. Boomerang and I were walking together. I turned my head to look at Harley. She just smirked and winked at me.

We started walking up the stairs. I looked at Boomerang. "So, what's you're real name?" I asked, losing my accent. He looked at me. "Digger. Digger Harkness. Yours, princess?" I blushed and smiled, "Lenora. Lenora Vilder." He smirked.

"That's definitely an Aussie last name, if I've ever heard one before," He shook his head. Then he chuckled, "Oh, wait. I have." We chuckled and smiled at each other.

We got to a different room and I sat down in one of the comfy chairs.

Flag and Deadshot headed into the room, but nobody else went in. "You know anything about this?" Harley asked me. I shook my head, "I know as much as you do, Harley. I basically was sent to a small meeting, was showed off, and then shoved on a helicopter."

Digger sat in front of me. "So... what are we, now?" I asked quietly. Digger sighed, "Well, it's weird, really, luv. You're a good gal, and I'm a bad brah." I nodded, "A monkey could have pointed that out." Digger gave me a look before continuing, "Luv, I have a three times life sentence. We'd never do anything normal." I took a deep breath. "What if I told you, I may be able to convince Waller to shorten your sentence, by a lot?" I asked even quieter. He looked at me, "You're not shittin' me, right?" I smiled, "I'm dead serious." Digger hugged me and I hugged him back. "It's the least I can do," I said with a smile.

Digger moved my face to look right him, "It's more than enough. You'll basically be givin' me a second life, luv. More than I could eva' ask for." I smiled and kissed him. He slowly kissed back.

"Awe! I knew you guys would make a cute couple!" Harley said loudly.

Killer Croc started softly chuckling, and the other guys smiled while shaking their heads. I heard one of them murmur, "What the hell is she doing dating a scumbag?" I threw a knife at him. "Wanna say that fucking again?!" I was pissed. My neck cracked. Killer Croc was softly chuckling under his breath.

"I suggest you apologize, big boy. Viper's scary when she's angry. You might just die," Harley warned.

The guy gulped and looked at me, Digger, and Harley. He took the knife and gave it back to me. "I'm sorry, Ms. Vilder. I should have kept my mouth shut about your relationship, and I didn't. I hope you can forgive me," He said, scared out of his mind.

I carefully took my knife back. "Alright, I forgive, but I won't forget. You're lucky I'm not gonna be a tattletale." I sat back down with Digger and sighed, relaxing. Harley smiled.

Then Amanda, Deadshot, and Flag all came out of the room. Harley looked at her, "No way." Then Digger stood up, then helped me up. We all looked at Amanda. Flag sighed, "Let's go home."

Digger sighed, "Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home?" He looked at me, and I felt like butter in his arms. "Or you wanna go back to prison?" He finished. Harley looked at him, "I'm not going back to prison." "What I'm saying is we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us," Digger said.

Katana was about to take out her sword, when Amanda stopped her. "I got this," she said. "You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing." She showed her phone which still had the killing app. They were all mad. I couldn't blame them. I just wanted to protect Digger and Harley.

Amanda, Flag, and Katana all walked past us.

"I like her," Killer Croc said. The gang shook their heads, but I thought it was cute.

 I smiled softly and kissed Digger's cheek. "Luv, before you know it, we'll get that damn bomb outta your neck."

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