Chapter 4

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 I leaned forward to touch the stairs and felt a fabric fall down my arm, it was soft and very velvety. Cold metal touched my forehead, one grope told me it was pointless. The ghost came from nowhere. Then that's when the mist appeared. The mist got so intense, I felt as if I was choking. My eyes started to blur. I couldn't see a thing. My body grew very weary.

I then collapsed to the ground, falling into a deep.....



I woke up in a forest laying down.

I quickly sat up and saw the last remnants of the setting sun disappear into the land, the reddish hues fading to a grimy purple scattered with the casual sparkle of a star. The faraway skyline stood outlined against a velvety sky, the gold dusk enveloped by the dim night.

I then brought my head down and closed my eyes. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

"This is nice" I said, 'snap' was all I heard come from the forest.

"Hello" I called out in a very hoarse voice, "Is someone out there" I said in a tremulous way.

I squinted my eyes to look towards the area where I heard the snap of a twig. My green orbs met a pair of dark, black purplish ones. Looking at those eyes made me tremble with fear.

I couldn't move at all.

And I didn't want to.

"It's time" I heard in a demonic way.

Before I could say anything , the dark overpowered me...............

I woke up, my breathing became ragged, but my body didn't seem to respond to it. My weary mind blocking my thoughts, but the memory of my dream stuck again.

Then I was able to compose of one thought. That dream means something.

That I have to figure out what it means.

And soon.

For a second I had a moment when you feel like you're whole again, but it soon evaporated faster than the summer rain off the burnt earth.

Finally, my lids that were drooping and leaden with sleep snapped open violently as if I'd been awoken by a police siren. The boisterous blaring of the small alarm clock filled me with a bit of fear, and I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly could.

I was laying down on my crude, pine bed.

My embroidered Jasper cover laid on top of me.

I glanced at my lava lamp that was across my room on top of my bureau. The lamp glowed an emerald green, and a deep blue.

My eyes then traveled to the bureau, which was jet black. Behind the bureau was a painting.

One that my mom did.

It was a black tree that had every colour of fall imaginable. The way the different shades of colours fell off the tree. The ones attached had various hues of grey.

A silent knock came from my door, "Sweetie it's time to wake up" my mom said in her soft-spoken voice.

"Okay, give me a couple minutes" I said in a croaky type voice.

As I got up out of my bed, I sighed. I then went straight into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror to only see myself yet again.

Not caring about the way I look.

My small figurine, basically of that of a females. Lets just say I had a pear shaped body, without the breast. My olive skin brightened by the bathroom light.

I sighed yet again, my frustration getting the best of me.

I took off all my clothes, which I dropped to the ground. I went into the tub and reached for the knob that turned on the hot water.

Once the water became scorching hot, I relaxed under the spray. I soaked underneath the water for a minute. Trying to take in my dream.

Understanding what it means.

What was that thing?  Am I in some kind of danger? I thought to myself. 

I've always been told that when you dream, and when you wake up feeling something about it. There's a possibility that some kind of force is trying to warn you.

But for what though. 

What is gonna happen to me?

Instead of focusing so much on it, I grabbed my lavender bar of soap, and quickly soaped up my body starting from my neck down.

I then grabbed my bottle of shampoo and squeezed it into the palm of my hand. I massaged the soap all over my head. Then I rinsed out all the shampoo on my head, and grabbed my conditioner and lathered that all over my head, rinsing that out afterwards.

I stood under the scorching hot water for a few minutes longer.

Finally feeling satisfied, I turned the water off, and slid open the door. To then be attacked by breeze of cold air.

I shivered.

I opened up my bathroom door and quickly went to my bed. While I was in the shower, my mom went through my closest and picked out my clothes and laid them on top of my bed.

Thanks mom I thought to myself.

I grabbed my black, boxer briefs and put those on. Then my dark green skinny jeans, which were my favorite pair of my skinny jean collection. I then proceeded to put on my Attack On Titan Survey Corps shirt. Attack On Titan is my life. I got addicted to the show, and I read the manga series, which took me a week to complete.

I walked over to my shoe rack, and pulled out my dark green Vans and a pair of ankle socks right beside my shoe rack to match my outfit.

I slid on my socks, then put on my Vans.

I stood up and walked to my big mirror.

I looked at myself, "something is missing" I said.

I walked to my bureau and pulled out a black hoodie and a green beanie to cover my now shaggy hair.

Finally , I said in my head.

I walked out of my room and headed downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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