Bad Boy Games

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Chapter One: All The Fuss Over Newboy

Skylar's POV

"Ugh Ma! Why didn't you wake me up!?" I yelled in frustration because someone HAD to take my phone as punishment for my late-night-sneakout last weekend.

"You wanna go out late...then you can be late!" My mom yelled back in anger. I swear sometimes she just pisses me off on purpose.

"Fine! Once they arrest you for my tardiness, don't come to me for bail money!" I strike back.

"Don't worry! Now leave before I force you out!" My mom yelled upstairs to me.


I slammed the door shut on my way out. While I was walking to school I got dirty looks from my neighbors. I gave them a look of confusion and kept walking.

Once I arrived at school I got my late slip and went to 1st period math with Mrs.Parker. She was definitely NOT a morning person. You can tell by how she treats her students. She tends to put people on the spot...A LOT! She dresses in dull colors, no kids, no hubby. She has silky dark brown hair that stops at her shoulders, and she never wears any makeup. She's VERY beautiful. Note the sarcasm.

"Glad to see you finally showed your face Ms. Jacobs, 20 minutes late." She snarled.

"You're lucky I even showed up, miss." I snarled back.

The class grew in total silence turning their heads to whoever was speaking.

"I see you forgot dress code this morning, mind explaining the drastic change before I call the office?" She asked with a smirk.

I look down at my attire and only now do I notice that I still have on my Tinkerbell pajamas and butterfly slippers.

Oh shit.

I must have gotten distracted this morning while yelling at my mom. I had to come up with something to say back. I wasn't losing this one to her.

"Well, isn't that funny. I could ask you the same thing Parker," I replied with a light smirk.

"OHHHH!" The class roared but soon got quiet once the teacher cocked her head towards them growling.

"Take a seat Skylar!" She yelled pointing to my seat next to my best friend Paige.

We have been friends since 1st grade. We argue a lot but we can't stand being away from each other.

"Don't mind if I do." I smiled at her then walked away.

"You're so badass Sky!" Paige yell-whispered.

I chuckled. "Ha. Not really I just speak my mind..all the time."

"Yeah, right!" She laughed nudging me.

We just sat there talking to each other the whole time with Mrs. Parker shushing us with threats of detention every 5 minutes.

The bell rung after a good 15 minutes so we're off to P.E. I know what you're thinking, "P.E in the morning is overrated." I don't complain too much though it's different then the regular routine.


"There's the Queen Bitch of Sluts." Paige said.

"Well I wonder what part of cleavage she's gonna show off today," I said while putting on my blue booty shorts and white t-shirt.

"I got a feeling what she's gonna wear and why she's gonna dress extra 'beautiful' today." Paige said while putting on her identical outfit.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"You haven't heard?! There's a new hot guy, Drew. I heard he's gorgeous and quite a catch. So your type!" Paige babbled on dreamily.

That's when the highlight of my day walked in.

"Hey geeks. I couldn't help but overhear ramble talking about my new guy," Celeste snarled cockily.

"Your guy? Like he'll want a piece of plastic. He seems more like a Sky type of guy." Paige smirked.

"Ha! Like he'll want a fugly piece of shit with no social background. He needs me in order to survive this school. He's mine so stay away Jacobs." Celeste warned.

"Don't worry barbie." I said bored about the topic.

"Never did never will." She smirked while walking away in her hot pink booty shorts that say 'SEXY' on the back and a white crop top.

"One day I'll punch her in the face for you." Paige said with a firery determination.

"She's not worth it. Let's go! Volley ball time girls vs. boys." I said excitedly. Volley ball has always been my favorite sport. I'm actually on the school team.

"Ugh we have to work with the brat." Paige groaned. I just laughed and pushed her out the door into the gym.



So! Welcome to my story! It's not your typical bad boy story, trust me! You'll love it. I will try to not make so many errors but if there are any let me know it'll help me alot. I know this chapter is short but it's the first one I don't want to add too much information! Let me know what you think of the story so far. I have plenty of ideas so there is more to come. ENJOY!

Do me a favor and...




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