naruto is a she

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Look guys it's the demon brat we need to finish the 4th hokage job by killing it said one of the villager. Naruto overheard and took off real fast. He went to the Hokage tower. Hey old man why do the villagers hate me so much. My boy I can't tell you right now but one day I will tell you when you are older okay. Naruto said fine whatever. Also old man when can I release this stupid disguise i hate being a boy. And to pretend to be stupid which I'm not old man. I understand natsume after that the academy you may release your disguise only if you pass is that understood. natsume said that's okay old man. the final day when natsume can stop pretending being stupid and show everyone she is smart and not weak.

I hope you guys love this story I'm looking to ur comments I update more next week.

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