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Have you ever wondered why the world was so stereotypical and why you're expected to do and know so much?

Well, that's all that's running through my head at the moment. All I can think about is why as a young teen I'm expected to have my whole life together. Why am I obliged to have everything planned out? Why can't I stop and just breathe for a minute?

I sit here writing...



While everyone else I know is out working, buying their own clothes, getting their license, and buying their own cars. I sit here filling out application after application, pulling my hair out trying to make sure my grades stay together, trying to keep my emotions at ease, and many things trying to pull my life together.

I sit here struggling, but then I remember, I'm only 15 years old. There's not a lot that I can do at this age, but I look at all my peers and majority of them are the same age. So, what am I doing wrong?

There's so many things that I want to do and so many things that I want to be, but I don't want to do them for nothing. I want the people who doubt me and the people who think I'm not good enough to see that I've made it. I want them to see that they've underestimated me for the last time. It's like, if I can't throw it down and in the faces of the people that didn't want me to have it in the first place, why have it at all? I understand the concept of success and I'm all for it. I want to make a living and I want to be something, but if the people that caused me the most struggle and the most pain in life cannot see what I've achieved, was it really worth it?

We're persuaded to believe that at this age and time we're all supposed to have things accomplished and be able to take the next step without much initiative. Our power is overrated and obtained as something that we have full control over when that's not the case.

... we're young teens trying to find ourselves in a world full of judgment.

How do you expect us not to do everything in our power to be what you want us to be? If it takes everything we have, we will give it just to be able to say that we have made it. Just to be able to say that we've accomplished the task of growing into something more.

That's not the case though, no. All anyone wants us to do is slip up and fail so they can get one step ahead. It's like climbing a mountain, right? You try everything in your power to hold on and make it back up to the top, but the closer you get, the more obstacles you go through trying to push you back down.

For us to make it to the top of the mountain, we have to be selfish. We have to make sacrifice and push other people down just to make it back up. It shouldn't be this way.

We should be able to motivate and guide each other to be more, to do more. Instead, we're blinded by social media and bling. Thinking that just because we have something, we're done growing and we can just give up. That as long as you're happy no one else matters.

That's a bitter life to live, and I don't want to be apart of it. Though, I want to succeed and I want you all to see it. I want you all to see that you can't judge someone based off what your friends say or based off just looking at them. So, what can I do so that everyone can see me. What can I do to be heard? I have an epiphany...

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