Chapter​ 10

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My nightmare did not stop even after coming here and I rarely saw my mysterious guy(what???My???) whose name I have known as Jaison by now.He was a total player and had someone hanging around his neck always whenever I saw him.He will just smirk at me when he see me and I had to witness most of his make out sessions as we had adjacent rooms which his mother insisted.I don't know why she was trying to play cupid among us and she tried to pull away every single one who came home with him and the ways she did that always made me laugh,Once she even told he was diagnosed to with some STD and was taking revenge on all girls for that and trust me,which mom does that???

He never accused his mom on anything and did not even seem to mind when the girls left.One day Elena was not home and I was alone in my room when I saw Jaison coming in with someone.The girl was pretty but her makeup almost ruined her beauty and they were almost making up in the main hall.

I sighed to myself even if I was used to this scene this still gave me a heartache,so I decided to get a sleep.
I was walking alone in the forest again.I could hear raised voices,when I went near I could understand it was Henry.So,I was curious to whom he was speaking and I froze.He was talking Asmodeus.

My grandfather looked very old and was shouting at him as he was blind and it suddenly occured to me that he could not see Asmodeus,only I could see him but both of them have not yet noticed that I was there.
"You will never get her Asmodeus and now she has found her destined one and now the myth will come true and you will be destroyed forever."My grandfather was talking and I could see Asmodeus was really pissed and I saw he lung forward to my grandfather and I screamed ..
"Mia...Mia..You all right????Why the hell are you sweating like this??You just had a nightmare.."I was not fully awake but the voice calmed me now I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jaison's anxious look and I saw the girl standing next to him and then suddenly I did not want to tell him anything but what he did next surprised me more.
"Ashley,go back to your home,I'll see you tomorrow"He told the girl.
I could say she was about to protest but Jaison silenced her with a look.After she left Jaison took my head in his hand and sat next to me.
"Don't get scared,I am right here,Go back to sleep"I was too weak to even speak and I felt him kissing my forehead and that's what it took me to fall asleep.I woke up in the morning when sunlight was hitting on my eyes and I suddenly felt a hand around me,I turned around to see Jaison sleeping peacefully besides me and that's when the previous day events came rushing to me.
I have never seen him this close to me,so I started to look at him more closely.He had broad forehead,his eyebrows were thick,sharp nose,and lips were...

"I know I am handsome princess but are you planning on drawing me or something"
He asked me suddenly and I almost jumped out of my bed.He laughed seeing my astonishment.
"Mia...Mia.. Are you awake?"Suddenly I heard Elena calling out and before I could make it out of bed Elena came inside.She froze for a moment and I saw an evil smile,a good one spreading across her face,I was flushed red but Jaison did not seem to mind.
"Heard about knocking Mom?"He asked while Elena was smiling widely.
"I would of course remember that in future son".
She said and continued "it's good that both of you are together I would like to talk to you something over breakfast,so freshen up and come down"with this she left.
When I turned I could see Jaison staring down at me and when he noticed me he smirked again...Ah....Old Jaison was back.
I freshened up and changed into a simple frock,I was feeling happy for some unknown reason and it suddenly hit me,I did not have a nightmare last nightmare after Jaison was with me.
I had a good sleep after almost an year..And it felt good.
I left my room for breakfast and saw Jaison and Mom already there over a serious discussion.
As soon as I entered Elena smiled at me but Jaison just stared at me as if he saw me for first time.I sat next to them on the table and once I was settled Elena started speaking up."I know what I am about tell may be a bit difficult for both of you guys to digest but I want you to understand,right from the time I saw Mia,I knew you were the one for Jaison but what I did not know was you were the daughter of Ken and Dalia"She knew my parents???"I know you are surprised but who doesn't Mia,everyone knew them..They were the ones who were supposed to bring the myth true.."
And she knew about the myth too.."but it's not mine to tell you about it",she gestured towards Jaison and he still was staring at me."So,hopefully my son will bring the best out of you"she just told this and left us.
There was an awkward silence left and Jaison was first the first break it,"Have your breakfast and come out to stables"with this he left me speechless.I had my breakfast and went to the stables.There I saw a beautiful white horse,I have never seen a horse so close In my whole life ,so even if I was scared I went near it.The horse too seemed to be uncomfortable."Don't get uncomfortable with your horse Mia,she can feel you,only if you are calm you can tame your horse"I heard Jaison and when I turned I saw him with a brown horse which was bigger than mine."Her name is Maria,you can control her even through your mind"Now I knew why she felt uncomfortable and I tried to make myself calm and the horse seem to understand..
"From today we will start your lessons"I heard Jaison behind me and with that he was gone.

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