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“I will enjoy.” Loki said as he set down his glass.

He could hear the mercenaries right behind him, almost a breath away. Mercenaries and assassins did not get along well with each other. Mercs had a reputation for being violent and irrational which lead to many fights with the much more calms and skilled assassins, unfortunately, the one thing mercs did have was numbers. Loki counted at least three at the table when he walked in, but there could be more now.

“Hey, assassin!” One of the mercenaries said goadingly.

Loki swung his left elbow around to strike the mercenary in the face. His hair blew about as he turned with his attack. The man didn’t have enough time to react. He let out a short yell before Loki’s elbow struck him in the cheek. The man fell over sideways holding his face. The other two men stepped forward, one raised his hands like some sort of boxer, and he was wearing the same uniform as his two friends. It was a black jumpsuit of some sort with a light amount of armor over the chest and neck area. On his sleeve was an anarchist symbol stitched in white thread.

“Okay assassin.” The boxer said taking another step forward. “Let’s see how ya do without a dirty trick like that.”

The other merc stood calmly, but his eyes were sharp and seemed to be looking Loki up and down. He had a gun in a holster on his belt. Hopefully he didn’t try to draw it.

The one on the ground was cursing loudly. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Get him!”

The two men leapt and Loki, the boxer swung with his right hand, which Loki easily sidestepped, but the other man came in from behind him and before Loki could turn around to face him, he felt a sharp pain in his back.

“How does it feel assassin?” The boxer laughed.

Loki didn’t lose his footing but the attack from behind was enough to distract him from the boxer, the boxer took another swing which Loki barely ducked under that time, as soon as he stooped to dodge that attack, he was met with a knee to the side of his head from the calm man.

Loki felt stunned as he toppled over sideways, catching himself on the bar. The third man who Loki had elbowed initially was now up and Loki could see that he had a nasty scar under his left eye. The man seemed to be in charge of the other two, he had a more impressive air about him, even though Loki dropped him like a sack of potatoes.

“Not so cocky now, huh assassin?” The scarred man jeered.

Loki looked between the three men. He would have to step it up to win this fight. Loki brought his hands forward and cracked his knuckles slowly, he observed each man carefully, choosing a target.

The scarred man was already hurt, but not that badly, and he didn’t seem to be much of a physical fighter. He was shorter than the other two and he was the only one who seemed to have any markings on his uniform besides the anarchist symbol. He wasn’t much of a threat but the other two men seemed to hesitate when their leader was dropped instantly. If he took him out, maybe they would let off.

The boxer was slow but large, he stood much taller than Loki and had large muscles that could be seen even through his uniform. The man looked dumb, his eyes seemed devoid of intelligence whenever he looked at Loki, he was their heaviest hitter.

The third man, the calm guy, seemed to be thin and wiry, but he twitched and moved in such a way that would hint at some sort of advanced martial art. He seemed older than the older two, but only slightly so. This man seemed to be the biggest problem among the three.

“Okay.” Loki muttered. “I have my target.”

“Well what’ll it be assassin?” The leader laughed. “Are you just gonna stand there like a fuckin’ retard?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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