Chapter 10: The End Of The Torture

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It's early in the morning in the town of Pennsylvania, a dispatcher by the name of Claire Jones who works in the Police station arrives to her work, early. She goes inside the station and gets properly seated in her table where she answers the telephone from caller who are in need of help. Suddenly, Thomas and Shelley rushes inside the station like two hysterical lunatics that are need of help from danger. Claire is startled by the couple, because they rushed inside the station like two lunatics from the Asylum or Sanatorium. She politely and calmly asks them what's wrong with them and if they are okay. "We need help, *extreme breathing*... This crazy old woman abducted us and did horrible twisted things to us and our friends in her home. Please help rescue our friends." Thomas and Shelley plead to Claire to help them.

"What's the old woman's name?" Ruth Parker asks Thomas and Shelley in sympathetic a way. "Her name is Dr. Lizzy..." Shelley replies to Ruth Parker and Claire. "I know her, she escaped the Asylum in 1939; she used to be a patient there. Where can I find her. Tell me where she lives?" Ruth Parker asks Thomas and Shelley. "I don't want to go back there, I DON'T WANT TO." Shelley franticly yells with fear. "Shelley, Don't worry; I'll come with you. the police are gonna help us, now. So let's show her where Dr. Lizzy lives." Said Thomas to Shelley as gently he strokes her cheek with his finger. "Okay, let's go. I want to help my friends get out of that place." Shelley says to Thomas as she kisses him on the lips while Ruth Parker and Claire are watching them....

Later in Dr. Lizzy's house, Alison and Catherine are chained up in the dog pound for humans, whimpering and sobbing for somebody to help them escape from this awful place. Unfortunately there's nobody there to help them, they're all alone, now. Just like Lynn is all alone and still grieving over Martin to come back. "Catherine, I don't want to be here anymore. all this is scaring me. I didn't expect our vacation to turn out like this..." Alison cries on Catherine's shoulder like a catholic school girl who wants to be hugged by her sweetheart. "Oh Alison, I'm not going to let that bitch lay a finger on you, not when Lynn and I are around." Says Catherine to Alison as she strokes her locks of hair very gently. Alison lays her head on Catherine's shoulder and rests for a little while before Dr. Lizzy comes back from the laboratory and catches them be sentimental; apparently, Dr. Lizzy hates affection. It makes her cringe and angry, angry that she was never loved by anybody but her Family and domesticated pets. Her own husband didn't even lover her, but instead he left her for streetwalker. It's a shame, her one true love betrayed for another; no wonder she hates affection....

Suddenly, Dr. Lizzy causally enters the room and catches Catherine and Alison having a sentimental moment while Robert is in the operating room, resting from the operation that is a success to Dr. Lizzy. "Hello Dears, I see you guys are having a sentimental moment; I'm afraid I have to cut it short, but I have a surprise for you guys. I think you guys are going to like it, a lot..." Dr. Lizzy hysterically laughs like a crazy person in a creepy and eerie way.

So Dr. Lizzy immediately takes the prisoners to the operation room where she is going to show Catherine and Alison how does Robert look now after his operation. The room is dark and ominous; Alison could hear the noises that are being made by Dr. Lizzy's domesticated house pets. It's very disturbing for her, not as disturbing what she's going to witness when Dr. Lizzy show her and Catherine what Robert looks like now. There's a light shining at Robert like he is a statue to be shined at. He is a few inches away from Catherine and Alison, So he is pretty close to them, not too close. Dr. Lizzy smiles at Catherine and Alison in a creepy and eerie way, just looking at her want to make Alison whimper in the dark. But she is in the dark and Robert is in the light is shining right at him. "Are you ready to see my success....*eerie/creepy laugh*." Dr. Lizzy laughs in a eerie way as she tightly holds Robert to turn him around and show Catherine and Alison how he looks like after the operation.

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