He loves me, He loves me not

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This is my first time writing and English is not my first word so yeah.. please forgive me if there's any mistake ^^


"He loves me"

"He loves me not"

"He loves me"

"He loves me not"

"He loves me"

"He loves me not"

"He loves me"

"He loves me not"

"He loves me"

"He loves me not"

He loves me not.....................

The last petal says "he loves me not"

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't love me!!!" The person yelled in desperation.


Oh shit.

"Y-yes?" Chanyeol said as he turn around to look at the person who just called him.

The person smiled at the stuttering Chanyeol.

"W-what?" Chanyeol ask. The person just shook his head while smiling and make his way to sit beside Chanyeol. "What are you doing anyway?" He ask. Chanyeol, however, is busy staring at the person sitting beside him. "Chanyeol?" The person ask again as he look at Chanyeol. "Uhh.. Y-yeah?" Chanyeol said finally wake up from his daydream.

Is stuttering the only thing I can do in front of him?????? T^T

"Your Kris hyung is asking what are you doing" The person said as he look into Chanyeol's eyes. Chanyeol avoid his gaze. Oh gosh.. I can feel myself burning. "I was plucking flower petals" he finally answer. "For what?" Kris ask -smirking-. "For uhh.. uhmm" Chanyeol try to think of an anwer but his mind was blank. "Yahh.. Just tell me the truth" Kris said. "Noo!! You're going to laugh at me!" Chanyeol said covering his face. "Nah.. Who's going to laugh??" Kris said letting out some chuckles. "You!" Chanyeol answer. "Come on babe.. Just tell" Kris said with a Cheshire smile on his face.

Babe? The fuck had you done to my poor innocent fragile loveable harmless (A/N That's enough Chanyeol. Chan: OKAY) heart Kris?

"Don't say something that you don't mean" Chanyeol said, looking away. "Huh?" Kris ask confused but then smirk when he realise what Chanyeol meant. Kris scoot closer towards Chanyeol. "W-what are y-you doing??" Chanyeol ask, aware of Kris behaviour (I didn't put the ('s) at the back of Kris name because it sounds weird) Kris then cupped Chanyeol's face and lean in. "K-Kris" Chanyeol whimper as he struggle from the said person grip. "Now..." Kris breathe againts Chanyeol's face. "Mind telling me why are you plucking flower petals??"

"I... I w-was just p-plucking them for fun" Chanyeol answer, still doesn't want his secret to be known. "Oh..." Kris said back. Chanyeol sigh in relief when he saw that Kris seem to be buying his lie. And then things seem to be happening so fast. Kris had just bite Chanyeol's ear. "Don't you dare lie to me Park Chanyeol.. You know how I am when someone lie to me" Kris growl into Chanyeol's ear. Chanyeol whimpers at Kris aggresive treatment. "Now tell me why are you plucking them because those are my favourite flower Chanyeol.. You pluck like 10 petals! Don't you atleast feel thankful towards the person who plant these flowers while we're asleep?! And you LIED to me Chanyeol.. That just make me even angrier!" Kris said, his grip on Chanyeol's face tightens. "I-I.. I w-was just.." Chanyeol try to explain. "Just what Chanyeol?! Stop stuttering!! It's annoying!" Kris yelled. Chanyeol can feel warm pool in his eyes. "I w-was j-just p-plucking them to see if t-the p-person I love loves me b-back" he said trying to hold back tears. Chanyeol waits for something -yelling- to be exact. But all he heard were laughters.

"Huh?" Chanyeol question, face confuse as ever. "Oh gosh Chanyeol! You should have seen your face!" Kris said as laugh even louder. "Next time..." Kris said out of breathe. "Next time, if I want you to tell me the truth.. I will use this method!! Oh my gosh!! You fall for my act!!" Kris said as he continue to laugh. "Besides Chanyeol, you know me! Why would I even care towards the person who plants these flowers! What did that person expect?? Me to find him/her and thank them??!" Kris said between laughters.

So... You had just lied to me.. You don't even want to lean towards my face right??.. Am I right?? You even had admit that you were just acting.. Why am I a fool Kris?? Why am I always a fool when it comes to you..

The tears that Chanyeol try hardest not to be let out finally escape his eyes. Kris, however, still continue laughing his heart out. He finally stop when he realise that the other was not laughing together. He sit up and turn to face Chanyeol as he was laughing while rolling on the ground. But the sight of Chanyeol's face kinda shock him. Tears were streaming down his face while looking at Kris. A sad smile was form on his lips instead of his usual happy smile. He was wearing an expression Kris had never seen before. An expression that Kris never thought will even decorate Chanyeol's face. An expression that broke his heart.

Chanyeol's face shows hurt.

"W-wait Chanyeol" Kris said when Chanyeol stood up. "Chanyeol" Kris start again and try to hold Chanyeol's hand. But Chanyeol slap his hand away. "Ch-chanyeol you know I was just joki-" Kris says pleadingly but Chanyeol already run inside their shared house. Kris feels guilty as he look at Chanyeol's trail. The image of his hurt expression can't seem to leave Kris mind. After a few moment, Kris finally stood up and walk his way towards the house -ready to clear things up-.

Leaving an abandoned flower stem with it's petals scattered around it..The same as Chanyeol's heart that had broke and the pieces are scattered somewhere else.....

________________________________________________________This is just part 1 people.. I don't know if I should continue.. Mind leaving suggestion??


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