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"Malika Kapooor"

I dont know where r u and in which state u are but i can't forget what u did to us never ever.

"Fari/teja kapoor"

What staying with him for whole day naaah not possible, i would rather prefer to roam mental asylum instead of checking out our new project with him

"Nidhi shetty/kapoor"

What do u think of urself  Mr. namish Maheshwari everytime thing will go like u want naaah never this time i will decide what i have to do and what not so better keep ur suggestions with u and u mr. Karan u r finalised.

"Jazzy kapoor"

Who the hell give my name for the competition, i m not mad who will do guide a businesses employee and make a documentary on it huh!!!.

"Ruchika kapoor"

Don't u even think of trying ur luck on me mr. Harshad, otherwise ur future self can be in danger *smirk*

"Halima kapoor"

Gosh why me only me why u make me stuck with a koala bear, please send someone to save me *Dash*

"Astha kapoor"

No astha u can do it, everyone trust u right u can do it, excuse me do u know where u have to submit ur forms.

"Navya/ash kapoor"

Hey!!!! Stopppp u, what do u think of urself if u defeat navya kapoor then u become some hero naaah don't even think like that.

"Samira/sam kapoor"

Youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Dont know why my luck is sooo bad.... Idiot kahika

"Kiara kapoor"

Excuse me, r u following me and if u then listen u dont knw me i can smack ur head in one second and on the other second me n my super karate expert sister will make u dead meat.

"Lisa/Almas kapoor"

How dare u!!!!  Dont u have any shame haaan how can u hit a child i still cant believe people like u exist also

"Rumana/cutie kapoor"

Thank u soo much sirrrr, i dont know how to thank u if u not come on right time then......

"Anjali Kapoor"

I know its you, who purposely make us locked here haina i knw u r idiot monkey donkey that's why u did this.

"Fizo kapoor"

I said u sorry but i dont think u even know the meaning also, dont know why bitter guard exist in this world.

"Xyz and abc"

I miss u..... Dont worry i m with u


Just beacuse of u i lost them


Ms. Anjali u will pay


Its not my fault


Such a egoistic she is

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 so my dearies sises kesa laga short spoiler.......... A big hearty sorry sisus the story is on hold i will give the update on May till then enjoy the spoiler and love u alll ❤ ❤


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