chapter 8 : letting go.

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5 Months later

Gabriel sat on her bed Ariel came in '' I'm worried'' ''about?'' ''Rhemiel she keeps leaving and staying away for hours on end going who knows were and  I'm worried she is going to do something'' ''Ariel dear don't worry she knows what she is doing and when the time is right she will be there to fight and we will win because were are stronger together" "I don't understand,why henry did all this?'' '' I guess somethings can not be answered now stop worrying an go spend time with jo while we still have time to just be'' ''your right I'm just being silly'' they hug and Ariel left the room but something was coming on the wind  pulling at their hearts they all felt it and it would be coming soon.  the darkness retuned to Rhemiels dreams that night she couldn't breath it filled her soul, her skin burned from underneath, she scratched at her skin making her self bleed, waves of sadness crushed over her as dark eyes watched her  she  walked towards them then woke up .

A day later Jo came running in to the barn Rhemiel put her blades away '' what's wrong?'' she asked jo '' the other  me she's here and she'd asking for you'' ''great'' Rhemiel walked out of the barn and flew to where jade was just out sided of the boundary  she was not alone which was to be expected  she was with Sabastian ''hi ya ( jade said with a wave ) so where's your friends?" ''why would I tell you that?'' Rhemiel asked as recce landed in the dirt it was the first time in 5 months that they had seen each other Ariel an jo landed next to Rhemiel  Sabastian spoke '' its been brought to my sorry our attention that you angels have been getting ready for war and since Henry is shall I say indisposed and he put me in charge well I wanted to give you all a gift an reminder that your second rate and we will take you all down one by one starting with this beautiful thing that ro has'' ro landed in front of recce she had Gabriel her hands were tied with iron and she was gaged Rhemiel glared  at recce but he had know idea that Sabastian had did this jo held Ariel back  ro pulled out Gabrile's angel blade and plunged it in to Gabriel's heart her death was instant and felt by every one of the angels Ariel and jo fell to the grass and held each other as they cried Rhemiel fell also and screamed with pain tears streaming ro started to laugh '' big mistake ( she stood up)   you wanna see power, ill show you power'' Rhemiel flew over and grabbed ro by her arms and flew them in to the clearing ro was still laughing  they landed with Rhemiel  on top she screamed again ro stoped laughing Rhemiels fire  covered them started to burn everything around her Ariel and jo stood up Ariel spoke '' if I were you all I would leave now because your about witness true pain and if she gets a hold of any of you she will destroy you''

recce said to Sabastian '' I think we should do as the mermaid says and get the hell out of here'' ''fine jade lets go'' they flew off recce stoped '' hey mermaid tell her I didn't know and I'm sorry''

Ariel nodded jo ''we have to stop her she's gona burn everything'' ''I don't think we can and we need to go or where next'' they picked up Gabriel's body and left the flams consumed almost everything it its way Rhemiel was in the middle of the fire her hair, her wings were bright red  she couldn't stop it now it was to late she would destroy half of everything '' red please stop who will kick my ass if you burn'' '' I cant stop, it wont stop help me''  they stood together in her mind he touched her face then he did what he had to she would probably punch him later for it but he kissed her.

the flams stoped the ground was scorched and she was covered in ash she fell to the now dead earth and was lifeless recce sighed ''okay'' he picked her up and carried her back to her family who had to deal with a great loss, he arrived as they were placing Gabriel in to Michaels arms he held her close and cried the others were crying when Ariel saw recce caring Rhemiel she ran over and took her friend '' thank you how did you'' Ariel asked '' how did I  stop her? um you know just talked to her you know stuff'' '' you better go I, thank you'' she kissed him on the cheek and he flew away, Ariel carried Rhemiel to Raphael and handed him Rhemiel he took her up stairs and laid her on her bed and he left the room as she woke and said one word ''recce'' .

Rhemiel stood in the shower the ash washed away the water was warm she turned it up placing her head in her hands she cried and the glass smashed. they barred Gabriel in a spot covered with yellow flowers ''what now?'' Uriel asked Michael ''now ( he said placing a rose on her grave) we end this'' they left Rhemiel stood alone '' I'm so sorry ( crying) I never I, I m sorry''  ''you should be'' Raphael said '' your mad'' ''no I angry you let that thing do this'' '' he didn't Sabastian did and ro they did'' ''yeah well he started it maybe you should leave and go be with him'' she walked over to him and slapped his face '' your crossing a line that you cant come back from (he grabbed her and tried to kiss her she slapped him again) never do that again'' she turned and left it started to rain.

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